Chapter 8

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I hate myself for not writing :( 

Anyhow, give it a read! *hopeful*


I woke up to the morning sun shining brightly on my face. I squinted and looked around. 

Right. The almost drowning. The rescue. The tent.

I gingerly sat up and rubbed my eyes wearily. The jacket that Zach had given me last night was still draped around my shoulders. I smiled to myself. 

God, why am I even smiling? 

Maybe because of the comment Zach left me with last night. I could almost hear his voice saying it. Whatever. He's a player. As usual.

"Morning, sunshine." A female's voice called out cheerfully.

I turned around and saw a smiling woman standing. She was beautiful, with a few grey strands in her hair. She had high cheekbones and a prominent healthy glow.

And I was right. She was slim, not the skinny slim but the healthy slim. All I knew is that she nowhere looked like a mother. 

"Um, hi." I smiled back awkwardly.

She strode in and sat beside me. "So, you are Haley. I've heard a lot about you."

"W-what? You have?" I sputtered, surprised. Zach spoke about me?

"Yes. You must be a really good friend of his."

"Yeah, well, kind of," I replied.

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lara, Zach's mother, which you must have guessed anyway.Anyway, how are you feeling now, dear?"

"Er, very well, thank you."

She smiled. "Great. Come on then, let's get some food in you," she said.

My stomach growled at the thought of food. "That would be very nice," I replied back graciously.

Lara stood up and started walking out. "Be there in ten minutes, honey," She called out.

"Okay!" I called back to her.

I smoothed down my hair a bit and wore my shoes, which were dry now. I cautiously peeped out of the tent and saw Zach sitting not far, trying to light a fire. I ambled over to him, my heart suddenly beating fast. 

I waved to him when he saw me. "Uh, hi," I said, a little too chirpily.

"Morning," He replied, looking amused.

I sat opposite him, watching him light the fire. He finally got the fire roaring and he dusted his hands on his cargos proudly. The smoke suddenly starting blowing his way, making him cough violently. 

"Oh God! Zach. Sit on this side," I offered my seat to him, a bit alarmed. 

"Thanks," He croaked out a reply, still coughing.

I patted his back and rubbed it. Suddenly, the air around us grew cautious, and I could feel the electricity buzzing as he bore his eyes into mine, my hand still wrapped around his back. The moment was so intimate, that I found myself drawing closer and closer to him. As he lifted his hand and wrapped it slowly around my free hand, my breath got hitched .

Then my head miraculously cleared and I came to my senses. 

"Okay, good," I squeaked, putting more distance between us.

Then I realized he was still holding my hand. 

And that was kind of awkward. Because our hands were pretty much hanging, now that we sitting farther apart. 

Thing is, he seemed quite oblivious to that fact and kept holding on to my hand for dear life.

I coughed loudly. No effect. I tried to pull my hand out discreetly but he just wouldn't let go. God, what in the world is wrong with this guy?!

"Zach, can you..?" I trailed off, my brain refusing to supply me with more words.

"Uh huh." He replied and let go off my hand. 

Phew. So much better. 

At that moment, he scooted closer to my side and threw something in the fire. Then, to my evident surprise, he took up hand securely in his again and let it rest again his thigh.

What. The. Awkward. Hell.

"You know, it's good to see you in baggy clothes again," He suddenly said.

My brow furrowed in confusion. "How do you mean?"

"It's just that you had started dressing know, leave it," 

"What? Tell me?" I promted, my curiousity growing.

"LIke....the other girls. Like, a girl, I guess,"

Wow. I really must have dressed up like a guy before.

"Well, thanks," I replied sarcastically.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. In a good way." 

"Okay then." I said, nodding my head, not knowing what to say. Why was it so awkward?

Lara's voice called out that instant. "Well, hello you two."

I waved to her. "Hi," I said enthusiastically, relieved to have her here.

"I have someone to introduce to you, Haley," She said loudly, beaming.

"Okay," I called back.

Lara disappeared for a minute and came back with a girl.

A tall blonde girl. 

Really gorgeous tall blonde girl. 

With designer clothes and amazing wavy hair, which reached right down to her waist.

And at that moment, I also realized that Zach let go of my hand and ran up to the girl, pulling her into a bear hug.

Damn. I never thought I would be jealous.


Who do you think she is? Friend or foe to Haley? :D

P.s sorry about not updating earlier. Not many of you are going to read this now, but I'll still try completing it. (:

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