The Morning After

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Olivia woke up first. Smile on her face as she looked around and saw Darren's room. She felt his arms wrapped tightly around her. She remembered what had happened the night before. She remembered all the tears and all the confessions. She remembered what happened after the camera turned off. She remembered how sweet and gentle he was like it was their first time all over again, and in some way it was. Most importantly she remembered that she's with the love of her live again and nothing will get in their way now.

She turned around care not to wake up Darren, but failed. 

"hey" Darren said with a smile.

"hi" Olivia said smiling.

"How'd you sleep" Darren said bringing up his hand to cup her cheek and pull her in for a small kiss.

"mmm" she moaned into the kiss "better than I have in a while"

Darren let out a laugh while looking at the beautiful figure in front of him. He didn't know why he was laughing. He was still pissed off at himself for treating her like he did. He knew she forgave him, but he wanted to make it up to her again. He wanted her to know just how important he was to her. 

Olivia let out a audible sigh and relaxed her head on Darren's chest. 

"What's on your mind" Darren asked worried she was changing her mind.

"I just don't know what to do about Chord and Mia. Darren you do know this makes us cheaters. The exact same thing that broke us up in the first place." Olivia said looking up at the roof playing with her ring less finger. 

"Liv, I know...I know what we just did is considered wrong when you look at it from their point of view, but if you look at it from how I see it we are just doing what we feel in right. What we know is right. And that is you and I. Olivia and Darren. US" Darren finished while looking deep into Liv's eyes. 

"We need to tell them" Olivia said finally looking back at Darren.

"Okay" Darren said quickly. "Just you need to know that this will change everything with everyone right. Everything with Chord. Everything with Mia for me. Everything with our fans. Everything" He said stressing out.

"Dare calm down" Olivia said stroking his hair. "Everything will work it self out. Ya Chord and Mia will be heartbroken, but that's going to happen either way. Trust me it's better to break it off now rather than marrying someone you don't love. As for the fans...I don't think we should tell them. We tried having a public relationship and it really just got messy. Besides they don't need to know everything." Olivia said with a small smirk on her lips. 

Darren smiled and brought his lips into her very passionately. He felt Olivia smile into the kiss. That kiss said everything that last night's didn't. It said sorry. Sorry for all of the mistakes they have ever made. It said love. Love that no one will ever understand because it cannot be put into words how much they love each other. It said hatred. Hatred towards themselves for letting all of the bad stuff happen to each other. Most importantly it said forgiveness. Forgiveness for all of the above.

"Mhmm god I love you" Darren moaned which gave Olivia the confidence to roll on top of Darren and straddle him. Darren started to take off Olivia's shirt and once he did her hands immediately went to her stomach to cover herself up. Ever since Darren she felt insecure again. She would never have sex with Chord in the day light so he couldn't see her.

"Liv stop" He said moving her hands. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. You're beautiful. You're sexy. You're hot. You're all of the above." Olivia smiled and returned to her spot next to Darren laying her head on his chest. 

"You never did tell me which song is about me" Darren said smiling. "I wanna hear it...unless its bad of course."

"I-I can sing it for kind of represents how I felt all the years away from you" Olivia said nervously.

She got up from her position, got dressed, and got one of Darren's guitars. 

Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? should I pray
To myself? To a God?
To a saviour who can
Unbreak the broken 

unsay these spoken words

Find hope in the hopeless

Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out
Underneath our bad blood
We still got a sanctum, home
Still a home, still a home here
It's not too late to build it back
'Cause a one-in-a-million chance
Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
You can say what you like 'cause see, I would die for you
I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God
Be my help, be a savior who can
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless)
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out

By the end of the song Olivia has tears streaming down her face, as did Darren. The song said so much. So much about how lost and hopeless Olivia felt without Darren. 

"Thank you" Darren said looking deeply into Olivia's eyes. 

"For what" Olivia asked confused. 

"Just thank you" Darren cried pulling Olivia into his chest.

They both end up falling back asleep in each others arms more in love than before. 


"Are you sure we can just go inside" Chord asked Mia after she unlocked the door.

"Yes I'm sure, it is my house you know" She smiled. 

"Right, forgot" 

Chord had been worrying about Olivia ever since she hadn't answered his texts the night before. He had convinced Mia to watch the video Darren and Olivia made with him. Watching it made him kind of angry. The way he had the nerve to hug her to comfort her. No! He didn't get to do that, it was his job. He was her fiancé after all. 

Mia opened the door and walked in. Everything looked like it was when she left. That was good, that meant no one killed anyone. It also worried her because it meant everything went well...and she knew how Darren felt about Olivia.

"Let's go check the bedroom" Mia suggested. 

"A-are you sure." Chord asked worried.

Mia just nodded before walking in the direction of the bedroom. Once they got there they stayed quiet and listen through the door. They didn't hear any moaning or talking so they felt it was safe to walk in. Oh boy were they wrong. 

"Fuck" Was all Chord said as he took in the sight before him. Olivia was lying on top of Darren asleep. As Darren had his arms wrapped around her. From what he could tell they were both naked. He soon walked out of the room and sat on the living room coach.

"Yeah fuck" Mia said sitting down next to Chord. 

"What now" Chord asked as tears escaped. 

"What now" Mia repeated. 

{A/N well that was the first chapter of the sequel of 'Our Story'. I'm not going to I wasn't expecting people to actually want a sequel so I didn't really start thinking about ideas until... about an hour ago. But anyways this is the first chapter. Second one should be out soon. Please vote and comment- author}

P.S. I was listening to the 'Trail To Oregon' playlist and it's amazing and I highly recommend checking out starkid cuz they are so good!

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