Chapter 1- The hole in my heart

Start from the beginning

I wasn't paying much attention to the briefing seeing as I was not allowed to train as a warrior, no girl or woman can. That's our sexist alpha. I was sulking, sue me. I was seated next to my sister Josey and my brother Cj(Christopher junior). My stepmom who I call mom is at the hospital as she is one of the pack doctors who are attending to the surviving warriors of the rogue raid.

Cj was the soon to be beta as he is from a full blooded beta family, his mom who is my stepmom is of beta blood and so is my father. See my father met my mother at 16, they were both 16 at the time. The thing is, my mother was a hybrid. Half wolf, half human but she was from this pack, Blue Woods Pack. She was born with all werewolf traits except the ability to shift. She had our gift of sight, perfect hearing, inhuman strength and the ability to talk to her wolf. My mothers wolf could surface through the eyes alone. My grandfather was the first ever wolf in our pack to find a human mate. It wasn't unheard of but it wasn't very common. My grandfather loved my nana but my grandmother being human was shunned upon the pack to the point where she was treated worse than an omega which is not so bad although many would say it was because she was mated by a beta blooded male. Which is kind of like royalty after the alpha family. The shewolves weren't very welcoming to my nana with her slow healing, she couldn't hide her bruises from my grandfather and so my grandfather and grandmother decided to move to human land to allow my mother to live out her life as a human. When my grandmother passed away, my grandfather moved back to Blue Woods and my mother stayed in human territory to finish school.

So during school break, she would visit my grandfather and that's how she met my dad. 16 years ago, my parents met, they found out they were mates and completed the mating ritual upon meeting as that's the way it has always been done. That's where I come in as i was conceived that night. My mother went back to school without the knowledge of being pregnant and had me in human territory 6months later. She came back as my grandfather insisted I be raised in werewolf territory as I was a full blooded wolf and they could not risk exposing our secret to the humans. Full blood pups tend to show signs from birth. Every pup is different but as the years progress, the wolf signs come out and as a kid, you have no control over the wolf side.

For me, when I was born, I had purple irises with golden specks in them and my wolf eyes were pitch black. I had no iris. Just having these purple eyes was enough for my grandfather to demand I stay with him.

Back to my mom and dad...

My father could not complete the marking process with my mother as she could not turn into her wolf. To mark your mate, you both have to turned into your wolves and mark each other and mate as wolves first and then as humans so the two wolves can connect and become one. Share their power and mind.

So in werewolf eyes, they were not seen as true mates but my father stayed with my mother and helped raise me even when my mother went back to school. When she came back, she came back with Josey and this time she couldn't leave us.

It is hard for humans to carry a wolf child, yes my mother was part wolf but also part human. Just like my grandmother, the pregnancies had taken a toll on her and she was constantly sick.

Werewolves don't get sickly. Our hospitals are packed with influenza medication just in case a human walks into our premises for quick relief and we can perform surgeries for things like car accidents. Human complicated illnesses is beyond werewolves and my mother had to go to human territory to get the proper treatment she needed. She never came back.

I was 3 and Josey was 2 when a letter from the hospital stated that she had passed away and they had to come collect her ashes. My grandmother was from an affluent family with vast amounts of land and money. Way more money than anyone can do with. When my nan died, she left her fortune to my mother and now my mother left her fortune to my sister and I.

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