Chapter 19: A Red Rose

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(Fitting Music:  Jake Scott & Josie Dunne - CWJBHN)

     A shrill ringing brought me back and a sharp light pierced my eyes.  For a moment I could not do anything.  I was like an anchor weighted down to the ocean, fighting to wake up, but the numbing tendrils of unconsciousness holding me fast.  Perhaps I was dead.  Perhaps this is what it feels like, an endless abyss of heaviness that just sinks deeper and deeper until you lose all sense of life--of normality--until you become a fleeting wisp of existence, a shadow...  It was a frightening thought.

     However, then the noise slowly dissipated slipping into the background and a series of voices took its place.  I became aware of a soft bed below me, the gentle weight of a blanket draped across my frame, a tight pressure of bandages encircling many of my limbs and chest, and a soothing heat in one of my hands which I could not place the cause.

     Regardless of the painkillers and drugs no doubt pumping vigorously throughout my system, agony overruled it all when I tried to peel back my eyelids.  I fought through the torment and light flooded in stinging my eyes and tears pricking in its wake.  A whimper escaped my dry, cracked lips and the room immediately fell into silence.

     My head swam it was like a whirlwind was happening inside my brain--everything was all jumbled up, and I struggled to find something to focus on while I waited for it to pass.  My eyes zoned in on a mop of raven black hair, tousled at ridiculous angles and held in such precarious positions by a blue and white striped bandana.  If it did not hurt so much, I would have laughed at the sight of it, but as my gaze dropped to take in the figure's face confusion swallowed my mind.  All the remnants of happiness leeched away at the sight Murayama's sullen cheeks and worry-filled eyes.

"W-what," cracks pitted my voice, each word tearing at my throat in a living torment, "what h-happened?"

"Shh," he soothed, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze whilst explaining in a quiet tone, "You're in a hospital.  Seki got you here just in the nick of time.  They said-" he shook his head as if he could not bear to continue on, "You're okay . . . it's okay, it's all okay now..."

     Murayama sniffed, widening his eyes for a moment to banish away any tears that willed to come, clearing his throat before continuing, "There is someone here to see you."

     My brow furrowed in confusion as the young man rose, making for the door situated across the room.  I did not want him to go.  Where was he going?  Who would . . . who would want to see me?  It did not make any sense.

     However, when the wooden contraption swung open, Murayama slipping out whilst looking over his shoulder at my frail frame lying helplessly in a hospital bed; a familiar figure stepped in and everything fell into place.  A white, cotton patch covering one of his eyes, replaying the story in my mind clearly.

"D-dad!" I cried weakly, wishing with every fibre of my being that I could jump up and give him a hug.  Nurse him as he had always nursed me.  "You're o-okay!" I exclaimed a smile tugging the corners of my mouth upwards.

"Y/N!" the ageing man beamed, rushing over to my bedside, stumbling over his words as he went, "I'm so happy you're awake, I thought-  I didn't know if-  I can't believe you're okay . . . it's a miracle, Y/N, it's a miracle."

"I know, Dad, I know," I laughed heartily at his antics ignoring the agony it ensued.

"Now that the police have Yamamoto, you can come home!  You can come back to your mother and me.  I only ever sent you away because I knew he was after you.  He knew where we lived!  I didn't know what else to do, please, Y/N, you have to forgive me.  I didn't mean any of the things I said, I'm sorry.  Oh, Y/N, I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of it!"

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