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     You woke up and opened your eyes.  You were met with a white room, there was one window facing out over the city, and a door opposite it there was talking outside the door, and you recognised Murayama's voice along with others.  There was tubes sticking out of your arm leading to a machine that beeped constantly monitoring your heartbeat.  You were in a hospital room.

     You hated hospitals.  The smell of disinfectant, the fake smiles, the lies people told . . . you hated it all.  You used to be a regular here, no matter how many times you came here covered in bruises or your face slashed open, or even broken bones no one would ever do anything.  It was common knowledge that you were being abused, it might as well of been written on your face, but no one stepped up to stop it they just let it slip with those fake smiles and the lies rolling of their tongue like water out of a fountain.  If it wasn't for the stranger, who wore a strange uniform that you had never seen before, you would probably still be with your real Dad...  Even the thought made you shiver.  

     You shook such thoughts from your mind as a doctor entered the room followed by Murayama.  You sat up in your bed as the doctor approached with that fake grin of his proudly spreading across his face.  You twitched as your side flared up in pain, but you quickly ignored it. 

     The doctor rushed over to your side making a fuss saying that you shouldn't sit up, but you ignored him and sat on the bed looking at Murayama with a save-me-from-this-annoying-person-before-I-die look.

Murayama:   "He says that you are fine."

     I nod but the doctor chose this moment to start speaking as he stepped away from me.

Doctor:   "It didn't go too deep, thankfully, but of course we recommend that you stay at the hospital for a few weeks so we can watch your improvement, and . . ."

     I ignore the rest.  It cost money, and I don't have any to spare, and I wouldn't waste it staying here anyway.  I pull the tubes out of my arms without hesitation, and stand up.  I wobble at first, but I quickly get my grip and start packing my stuff that was laid out on the side desk beside the bed.  I completely shut out the doctors annoying voice as he ranted on about how much I shouldn't be doing this and go back to bed.  I left some money that should pay for my stay at this awful place, and I turn around to leave.

     Murayama is looking at me with an amused look, and I give him an innocent 'what' look back.  He chuckled and followed me out of the room leaving the doctor ranting on about this that an the other.

     Furuya and Gorilla were sitting on the seats lining the corridor.  They must of been waiting for Murayama.  A scene flashed through my mind.

     Someone grabbed me roughly and turned me around. I fought against the strong grip, but I then felt a fist connect with my stomach. I screamed, blood had now found its way up my throat and had made a small red line run from my mouth and drip off my chin. My vision started to go blurry, and I would of collapsed had it not of been for the arms holding me up. I heard shouting...

Murayama: "Seki, you idoit!"

     Gorilla was Seki, and Seki was Gorilla.  Gorilla had hit me!  He had hit a girl in the stomach!!!  Rage over came me and I stomped over to Gorilla and Furuya.  

Y/N:   "Oi!  Gorilla!"

     Both Gorilla and Furuya turned around to face me when they heard my voice.  The only difference was Gorilla was met with a fist in his face, and Furuya was met with well...air.  Gorilla stood up startled but held himself together very well.  Then Gorilla growled at me.

     I laughed out loud while stepping back from him.

Y/N:   "You actually are a Gorilla~"

     He growled once more before jumping at me.  I side stepped and Gorilla stumbled past me.  Turning around to face Gorilla I expected him to of fallen, but he had managed to keep his balance.  Gorilla ran at me again and I side stepped again, but this time Gorilla was prepared and his arm swung open catching me by my waist and pulling me along the width of the corridor before slamming me up against the wall.

     I hissed in pain as not only had my back been freshly bruised, but the wound in my side burned.  My elbow came down on Gorilla's back.  I heard him groan and his grip loosened.  I heard a satisfying *thud* as my knee connected with Gorilla's chest.  Reaching my hand down I grabbed the bandana on the back of Gorilla's head, and yanked his head back.  I growled a cat growl of my own before throwing him down unto the hospital floor.

     My arms dropped down to my side, and I was focusing on steadying my breathing when I heard clapping behind me.  I turned around abruptly facing Murayama.  He continued to clap his hands and I looked at him in confusion.  I heard a growl from Gorilla and I turned to face him, but I froze when I heard Murayama talk.

Murayama:   "Seki, enough."

     Gorilla just growled in response but he reluctantly sat back down on a sat.

     I was confused as I turned to face Murayama.  Murayama finally seemed to realise that I didn't understand what on earth he was doing, and decided to explain.

Murayama:   "You just fought someone from the highest floor, floor 7.  The leader of Oya High watched..."

     He motioned with his hand for me to say the rest.

Y/N:   "The leader will now decide what floor I belong on, or what level would best suit my fighting skill."

Y/N:   "What floor?"

Murayama:   "I think that I'll keep you up with me on floor 7 for the mean time..."

     I shrugged.  There was nothing mad about staying with the leader of Oya High, I just wondered if I would ever have time to study...  Then I remembered my step Dad's last words to me . . . you know, I don't actually want to study anymore . . . I can stay here for a VERY long time...  

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