Chapter 15: Unwanted Help

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(Fitting Music:  Ruel - Hard Sometimes - Lyrics)

                "Where is he?" I asked fighting to keep the waver from my voice as fear pushed my heart to beat faster.

"Oh," a deep chuckle originates from one of the men, "I wouldn't worry about it, there'll be a happy family reunion soon enough..."

His voice slips away as his trail of thought drifts onto other things before he adds, "Why did you leave in the first place?"

I look over the both of them, confusion replacing my fear. They did not know . . . they didn't know what I went through . . . they didn't know why I left... Clinging to that hope, I straightened my shoulders, raised my head, and replied with renewed vigour, "Oh, I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure if you were important enough you'd been told by now."

The man's clenched jaw lets me know that he was taking the blow to his pride personally, and a long string of silence envelops the room as both Doubt members are at a loss for words.

A small thought creeps into my head, and I tilt my head to the side, flicking my thick, black locks away from my face, as I ponder my next move. "Enough admiring, you caught me," I say jumping to my feet and make a big deal about inspecting the room before swinging around and cracking a smile at my two stunned captors, "Although I must say it was fun while it lasted."

When either of them refused to move, I let a glint of annoyance break into my tone and cross my arms, "You going to stand there all day or open the door?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Talking about?" I wave my arms in the air as if it is obvious, before pointing an accusing finger at the man, "The game's over, and if you don't snap out of it and open that door, I swear 'he'll' make you pay."

The men share a look of bewilderment, shifting uncomfortably on their feet as if they would rather be anywhere than with this crazy woman. Too right, I feel like muttering, but carry on with my play and tap my foot impatiently.

"Wait... Don't tell me," my face falls into a mixture of horror and amusement, "'He' didn't tell you did 'he'?"

"Tell us..." one man pauses, looking to the other for reassurance before hesitantly continuing, "Tell us what?"

"He didn't!" The echo of my hands clapping together like a thoroughly amused seal further leads to be more blatant of their confusion, betrayal flashing across their expressions as they realise they have been left out of something.

"Good call, good call," I nod approvingly whilst skipping over to rap my knuckles across the door, "Yo, these two knuckleheads don't know a thing, be a sweetheart and open this thing, will you?"

Seconds later the door swings open and a big man pokes his fat head in its place. I barely stop myself from yelping as I recognise him . . . all too well.

"These two giving you trouble?"

Before the silence can get uncomfortably long, I shake my head and let out a big huff of air to try and help set my mind in order. I did not want the two Doubt members figuring out what was actually going on. "Ehh, not so much . . . they're a little clueless though, aren't they?" I muse peering back over my shoulder at the two figures.

     The big man follows my gaze with his own, confusion flushing his face for a moment before he seems to catch on to the ploy and happily carries on with the deception.

"You don't say," he mutters before turning his voice gruff and barking over at the two helplessly oblivious men, "Get your butts over here!"

"I know you from somewhere," one of the Doubt member's mutter while shuffling over, but he cannot quite seem to place his finger on it.  The other follows closely behind the first, a little more cautiously.

     Before either man can react, never mind put up some sort of feeble defence, a fist is planted squarely in one's face and the other member's jaw.  Both opponents fall to the ground knocked out cold.  Seki better known as Gorilla to me swings around triumphantly and flashes me a large grin, "Handle your own problems can you?"

     Any 'thanks' I may have previous muttered died in my throat and I was quick to retort, "I had it under control."

"Sure you did, and this was all part of your plan," Semi sarcastically replies.

     I push past Seki making for the hallway and hopefully the exit of this foul place, "Knocking them out cold was 'not' part of 'my' plan."

     That was the end of that conversation, but the moment I stepped out into the dimly lit corridor and took in my surroundings I came to a quick halt, realising I did not know a vital part of information.  I used the heel of my foot to twirl myself around to face Seki, regretting the action instantly as my head starts to swim, I push the motion off and struggle to stand tall.  That fall really must have done some damage...

"Which way?"

"Which way what?"

     I hold back a gruff reply, trying my best to keep a somewhat pleasant tone, but regardless I still ended up emphasising every word as if talking to an unlearnt toddler, "Which way did you come from?  Which way is the way out?  Up or down?"

     Seki wordlessly trudged out of my previous prison room and advanced deeper into the compound.  He did not look very happy, perhaps he was . . . angry at me?  I shrugged my shoulders, deciding not to pay too much attention to it.  It was probably just my mind playing tricks on me, I did bang my head after all...

     I jog to catch up, brushing away the stinging pain in my legs, and too stubborn to ask Seki to slow down to my pace.

     We moved in silence for a while and I took the time to think about my predicament, but most of all why I was in this predicament with Seki.  Why was he here?

"Hey," I whisper, whilst the big man shoves his hands into a push-door, his muscles bulging at the action before it heaves open, revealing a smaller room and a set of stairs, "How come you are here?"

"Murayama wanted it," was his only reply as he strode up the rickety tin staircase.  It creaked and squeaked under his weight, causing me to pause before I tentatively followed, cringing at every groan, "How . . . how did he know?"

     This caused Seki to halt, swivelling around with an impatient scowl.

"There was missing posters or something," he dismissed the notion with a wave of his hand, clearly expressing his feelings on the matter, "Up to me I would have left you to fix your own mess."

     A bloom of fire erupts in my belly, and I struggle to keep the anger out of my voice, "I never asked for your help!"

"Wouldn't of mattered to me," was the only answer I got before he continued his neverending march, however, he paused a little higher to say in a softer tone, "It is too late now, what's done is done.  Come on, we don't want to miss out ride out of here."

     I froze, was Seki actually being nice to me in his own wee way?

"Hurry up!"

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