Oya High

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                                                 Y/N's POV

     I strolled along kicking, tin cans, stones, and what ever else was in reach.  I was trying my best to calm down.  How could they after saying that they cared!  This was the only time I had obeyed my parents, and it would more than likely be the last.  I got some stares from passersby, but I couldn't really care less.


     The sun shown down on the school emphasising all the graffiti, and paper lying everywhere.  Students were fighting here, and there.  It was still school hours, but no one seemed to care about that.  There wasn't a teacher in sight.  

Y/N:   "Great, a school full of dumpties, and I get a form I need to give in to a teacher which is non-existent.  Can it get any worse?"

     I sighed and walked through the metal gate which was the entrance to Oya High.  Even then the gate was hanging off its hinges.  There was students smoking, and it looked like if they dropped a match it would ignite the school.  I put the Oya High form in my pocket, if I found a teacher I would give it in, if I didn't?  Too bad, I would still stay here this was my 'home' now.

     I walked through one of the many entrances to the excuse for a school.  After walking up a couple of floors I got tired, and just walked down the corridor.

     I stepped back when a boy burst through one of the class doors.  He ran right past me, he was terrified...  There was three stupid looking "tough" guys behind.  I was bored so I put my foot out, and watched as one kid fell over my foot, the other two "tough" guys were stupid enough to trip over there fallen comrade of stupidity.  I watched their priceless faces when they realised that their "precious" faces were going to hit the dirty wooden floor boards.

     They lay groaning on the floor, piled on-top of each other.  I shook my head, now for the fun.  I knew that I shouldn't take my anger out on three idiots, but I didn't someone to vent on and I didn't have a punch-bag.

Y/N:   "Oh, you tripped.  I'm so sorry~"

     They scrambled up, and brushed the dust off their clothes before facing me.  I smirked at them mockingly, and one of them stepped forward clearly angry.

Y/N:   "Is, Pea Head, angry?"

Pea Head:   "You tripped me!"

Y/N:   "Oh, you didn't see my foot?"

     I started to clean my nails, and that really got Pea Head mad.  I glanced at him, and his pose told me that he was ready for a fight.  His right foot was ahead of his left, and his body was facing left as well, only his face was facing me.  I thought that Pea Head must be left handed as Pea Head pulled his left shoulder back, his left hand curled into a fist, and then he brought his fist forward putting his body into the punch.     I stepped towards Pea Head letting his punch fly over my right shoulder.  I brought my knee up, and I hear a satisfying *thud*.  Pea Head's face scrunched up in pain, and his hands went down to his lower area.  He stepped away from me, and tripped over nothing, he fell to the ground rolling around groaning in pain.

Y/N:   "One, you don't touch girls."

     I crouched next to Pea Head, grabbing his shirt I pulled him towards me, and whispered into his ear sending chills throughout his body.

Y/N:   "Two, you don't fight someone out of your league."

     I released my grip on Pea Head's shirt, and walked into the classroom where Pea Head had ran out of.

     Inside were two guys one was lying on the ground obvious beaten up by the guy standing.  The guy standing held himself well, and I could tell from his pose that he could fight well.  The guy lying on the ground probably couldn't fight to save his life.  Since I was new here, and I didn't have the slightest idea what in the Milky Way Galaxy I should do.  I thought it best to ask.  I faced the one who could fight, and started talking to him.

Y/N:   "Where do new students go?"

???:   "It depends."

Y/N:   "Depends on what?"

???:  "Whither or not they annoy the ones higher than them."

Y/N:  "So then what are the two choices?"

???:   "Obey and rise through the ranks, or disobey and end up with this guy."

     He pointed to the guy lying on the ground.

Y/N:   "Just saying, but ya don't seem like a school that obeys anything much.  What do I have to obey?"

     He chuckled.

???:   "Just obey the ones higher than you."

Y/N:   "Who is higher than me?"

???:   "Look, newbie, your new so everyone is higher than you until you fight the leaders for each floor, and then Murayama will decide which floor or level you fit best at."

     I nodded at him to let him know that I understood.  I knew enough to know that Murayama was the ultimate leader of Oya High.  He was the only one in the entire school who was still standing after 100 punches.  Oya High was weird in that way.  They believed in commitment, and whoever could withstand 100 punches would be the leader.  I decided it was best not to make sense of something that I knew wouldn't make any sense to me.  As the guy began to leave I started talking again.

Y/N:   "Can I tag along because one, I have no idea where I am supposed to be.  Two, I have to fight people but I don't know where.  Three, I have to fight people, but I have no idea when, and four, I already kicked someone out that door but it was in self-defense so it doesn't count . . . I hope, anyway.  Oh, and by the way I'm Y/N."

???:   "Tag along if you wish. I'm Furuya, Murayama's follower, and friend."

     Nice, I got along fine with one of the heads of Oya High so I shouldn't get into too much trouble, right?

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