《Chapter 12》

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I was just sleeping comfortably in the guest room that I was staying in.. Currently staying in America, Russia and Germany's place.

Again I was sleeping comfortably until- SLAM! I jolted up awake as I stare at the American who disturbed my sleep "Rise and shine! it's almost afternoon kiddo!" America exclaimed as I flopped back in bed and grumbled curse words "NoOoOoOo" I whined and pulled the covers over my head, I wanted to sleep more "Oh, so you don't wanna get out of bed huh?" I heard him chuckle a bit.. ah damn that chuckle wait NO! 

I stayed in bed and did not move as I only heard silence after America chuckled, Soon the bed dipped indicating that someone sat on the bed.. I felt someone near me like REALLY near my face "You should get out of bed or things could.... go somewhere they shouldn't be in~" America whispered where my ear is suppose to be. Although after he had whispered that to me, I screeched and hit him with a pillow as I literally made a nest out of blankets in a corner and with me in it.

He noticed that and just started to laugh his ass off in front of me "(N/n) HAHAHA! CALM DOWN! I WASN'T HAHAHAHA BEING SERIOUS!" America wheezed and tried to stop laughing but he couldn't.

I frowned as my face was ReD and I felt embarrassed "ShUdDuP!" I said as I continued to stay in my nest of blankets "Well I already got you out of bed soooo.... SCORE ONE FOR AMERICA!!" He shouted in a victorious and proud manner meanwhile I was pouting and embarrassed of what just happened "What did you wake me up for anyway?" I asked as I just laid on the nest of blankets "Oh, well you didn't eat food yet and I have to go outside to meet Spain and Mexico, We are gonna go to eat outside so wanna come with?" He explained to me and I started to think about it... I mean.. ITS FOOD! I cannot refuse food! "Sure, not like I have anything to do" I said while slowly getting out of the nest of blankets.

"Well, get ready in 30 mins and we'll be heading out" America got off the bed "Okay" I replied as he left me alone in the room to calm down. After calming down, I immediately got up doing a quick stretch before I started to fix the blankets and bed.

Getting some clothes and quickly went to the bathroom to get a bath and get ready to go outside.. I'M ONLY DOING THIS FOR FOOD! 

It only took a few mins for me to get ready and get out of the bathroom "Okay, done.. now time for foooddddd!" I said as I went downstairs to see America sitting on the couch who was waiting for me and I noticed his on his phone probably doing something as an idea struck into my mind.

Silently, I went towards America.. He wasn't able to see me because the couch he was sitting on had its back facing me so when I finally got behind him.. let him notice my presence first.. 

He stopped tapping his phone! meaning.. he felt like someone was near him, Suddenly I grabbed him by his shoulders and he let out a girlish scream as he turned to look at me "PFFTT-" I started to laugh "Damn it (N/n).. " He muttered a bit as he just smiled "You satisfied now? you got a score now too, but it doesn't mean you have won just yet" America said to me as I just shook my head and smiled "Totally! well should we get going then?" my laughing had ceased as America stood up "Yep, lets go!" He led the way as I followed him.

"It's not too far away so we can just walk until we get there" America said as we both started talking about memes and laughing about it, it took about 10 mins to get to the destination of a diner.. well apparently America isn't always craving for Mcdonalds which kind of surprised me but not too much.

"America!" we both stopped as a someone called out to America "Oh hey guys!" He said to whoever called him as I looked at two countries waving at us and they were already at a table. America pushed me forward a bit to move and we both walked to them and took seats.

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