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Define the word crisis. The world definitely didn't believe that any crisis of this sort would happen so soon and impact so many. A virus hits and now everyone is required to quarantine. Many lost their jobs, students no longer could go to school and, was strong enough to affect every age group. This virus could have existed anywhere, anytime, and yet, it happens while I'm alive. Was something that Sunghoon always thought about.

The beginning of the school day was what people always thought was the hardest part. But to Sunghoon, it was every second of it. To sit in front of a computer for hours, listening as the teacher teaches a lesson and trying not to give in to the urge to leave and never come back. Yeah, that's a great way to speak five days a week~~ Sitting on at his desk made him cringe. He knew very well that as soon as the clock struck 8:30 that he would be stuck in classes all day which was followed by piles of homework.

Homework already filled his afternoons, having heaps of it to do for hours. If Sunghoon was to be completely honest, when everything was normal, he liked school. For the most part, school was hands-on, and did a lot of activities he didn't mind. There were electives he enjoyed and not to mention, he got to hang out with his friends. But when the virus started to get out of hand, all of those things seemed to get taken away slowly. It started with being lockdown, and suddenly everyone is stuck at home trying to live their lives 'normally'. We all know, this is NOTHING NORMAL.

Sunghoon sighed and took deep breaths, he tried his best to stay calm most of the time, no mental breakdowns here ;0. School was already bad enough when the new school year started but it really messed with Sunghoon and how he worked in school before. He recently asked to get transitioned out of his first English class to another just to get away from his teacher who was a bitc- Anyways! And surprisingly, they did it without asking. I guess one good thing about being in this pandemic, these people actually are trying because they 'care' for our mental state.

"Sunghoon, I know you're just staring at your computer! Start it up and go to class." A voice yelled from outside, pounding on the door. "You're just making it hard for yourself! C'mon, you're supposed to be a role model to me." Yeji, Sunghoon's younger sister, yelled again. This time she opened the door and threw a water bottle at him, startling him. "YAH! Did you want to knock me out?!—" Luckily he caught it before it hit his head and opened it, taking a few sips. "Okay, I'm really sorry. But you really should take care of yourself, I'm a bit worried for you. You groan out of frustration so loud, I can hear it from my room." Yeji had her eyebrows knitted together.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But you should get going too, it's almost time for your class too" Sunghoon pat her head, sending her off to her room. He shut his door and returned to his desk, sighing softly.

In Sunghoon's school, they each had six classes in total, and every day you'd have three of those classes. It wasn't a lot but the teacher took it as a sign to assign even more homework. But his English class was the one that bugged him the most, nobody liked his old teacher. In fact, the teacher would be so unprofessional as to not even show up to class sometimes. So, he took that example and used it to get put into another class, one that didn't have irritating and unprofessional teachers who'd yell every minute.

Logging into his first class, math was the worst though. Sunghoon wasn't stupid and could for the most part understand what was being talked about, but how could he understand the topic if he wasn't paying attention?

He plugged in his earbuds and rolled his eyes before entering his math class. Everything began to load up and the faces of his teacher and classmates filled the screen. Although the number of people almost equaling 25, silence, nobody said anything besides his teacher.

"Park Sunghoon, please turn on your camera! Remember, if you don't have your camera on, you WILL be marked absent by your teachers!" Mrs. Lee had a smile on her face, but you could tell she was gritting her teeth. She hated it here as well. Sunghoon slowly turned his camera on and gave a small bow to her, hoping she'd see it. "Okay then, let's begin our lesson shall we?"

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"Sunghoon! Wake up!" Yeji shook her older brother violently. The older jolted awake and looked around, noticing that he was still in his class. Dammit, I fell asleep. It was already lunchtime and everyone in his class, even his teacher was gone. Wow, the teacher didn't even notice that one of his students was still there.

"How did you even get away with it when your camera is on!" Yeji scolded and exited the meeting for him. "That teacher didn't care, so I didn't care. It was history, nothing special anyway." Sunghoon shrugged his shoulders and gained a little slap on his shoulder. "Please pay attention in class Sunghoon, you don't want mom to ground you again" Sunghoon's eyes widened and he frowned while crossing his arms.

"Come on, I made some ramen for lunch. Your noddles probably drank all of the soup already" Yeji rolled her eyes at him before exiting his room. Sunghoon was older by five years but it always felt like Yeji was the older sibling. She was way more reliable and acted more mature than Sunghoon could ever be. They always got along but it was Yeji looking out for Sunghoon whenever he did something stupid.

"YAH, wait for me!!"

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2 / 14 / 21
07 : 42

Hellooo, it Jae and Mina again :P
The first part doesn't show Jake just yet but by the next part, Sunghoon will be whipped already ;D
And, Happy Valentines Day <33
Enjoy eating all the sweets you can
- JAE & MINA -

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