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Saturday afternoon and Sunghoon finally woke up, rubbing his eyes with a small yawn escaping his mouth. When looking at the clock on his wall, he finds it was already noon. He always woke up late on weekends but this was probably one of the latest times he's woken up in a while. Looking towards the bedside table which he remembered he left his phone at, he noticed Jake's figure laying still on his bed.

"W-we didn't even hang up" Sunghoon didn't know if he was embarrassed or overjoyed that they hadn't hung up but, he did know that he loved the fact that the first person he saw after waking up was Jake. The older male was holding on tightly to a pillow, little snores could be heard on his side of the screen. He was mumbling something for a little bit before a grin rested upon his lips.

Jake looked absolutely adorable. His hair was resting over his forehead and eyes, his arms wrapped the pillow tightly and even his hands clenched tightly to the object. Aw, he must like hugging thing to sleep. Layla was laying at the other side of his body but seemed like she was already awake, looking around slowly.

Sunghoon brought his phone closer to him and laid it on his pillow. Now he had an even clearer view of the older, cute. Sunghoon rested on his stomach with his chin resting on one of his palms, staring at Jake lovingly. At least now Jake couldn't catch the younger staring at him.

"G-good morning" Jake mumbled with a groggy voice, his eyes fluttering open. Sunghoon didn't even hear him the first time, too absorbed with examining the older's facial features. Jake laughed softly and fixed his hair before waving his arms around to grab Sunghoon's attention. "Park Sunghoon? You alright? Are you sleeping with your eyes open—" Sunghoon blushed brightly and shook his head.

"Uh, no I'm awake!" Dang, he said that a bit too high pitched. But this only made him nervously laugh along with Jake. "Good afternoon Jake, hah it's afternoon already, silly" Sunghoon gathered himself before flashing him a wide smile. "I don't even remember falling asleep. All I remember is us eating all of our snacks" Sunghoon stated.

Jake talked and responded to Sunghoon but he still seemed a little sleepy, his eyes fighting to stay open. He now sat up straight, ruffling his hair endlessly, trying to find a perfect position for his hair. The older whining when he decided to give up and leave his hair as it was.

"Should I hang up so you can sleep some more?" Sunghoon said softly, fixing up his hair as well. "N-no! Can we please continue talking?" Just that one sentence being said made Jake wake up a little. His eyes moving frantically as he stared at Sunghoon worried that he would hang up. It seemed even Jake didn't want whatever was going on to end.

"Okay then don't worry I won't hang up. I'm going to go brush my teeth now" Sunghoon said and stood up, making sure to bring Jake along with him. Setting his phone on the counter, he reached for his toothbrush and toothpaste before beginning to brush his teeth. "I'm going to do that as well" Jake rushed to his bathroom with Layla scrambling to follow behind him. Jake mirrored the younger's actions and continued to get ready for the day with Sunghoon.

It was nice and calming. Both of them slowly beginning to wake up, silence filled their conversation but they didn't mind. It was relaxing to have a moment of silence to get ready. After they both changed out of their pajamas and settled back down, they began to talk again.

"What do you want to do Sunghoon?" Jake asked, putting his phone down in front of him. The older seemed to be in a living room as it was a much different background than before, he obviously wasn't in his room anymore. In comparison, Sunghoon was making his way down the stairs slowly. Trying his best not to fall because he wasn't paying much attention to his steps.

"Good morning" Mrs. Park began but paused when she saw Sunghoon with headphones in his ears. "Good morning mom" Sunghoon greeted back and sat down at the counter, watching her move around the kitchen. "Who are you talking to?" She asked with her back facing her son, tippy-toeing to reach something in the cabinet. "My friend Jake" He answered and his mom took the time to round the counter to peer at his phone.

Catching on, Jake smiled and waved at the woman kindly. "Hello, Mrs. Park!" The lady couldn't help but smile and wave back. "It's nice to meet you... Jake" Mrs. Park stopped for a minute to think of his name before continuing. Jake laughed softly and bowed, continuing to show a kind and friendly smile to the two. "Well then, you guys do your thing. I'm going to the living room" She stated before exiting to the living room.

Jake had a remote in his hand, raised slightly so he could go through the channels. He had a slight pout on his face while he stared at the TV, at all of the shows on. Cute~ He always pouts when he's focused. Jake clicked a button and a cartoon popped up on the screen, making him giggle softly.

"It's been a while since I watch Spongebob" Jake said and pulled a pillow into his grasp, hugging it tightly. "You really like hugging things, hm?" Sunghoon thought out loud, his hand flying to his own mouth. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that" He panicked a little but Jake didn't mind at all. "It's all good! But yeah I like to hug things. Especially when I go to bed, it kinda became a habit" Hey Siri, is it possible to fall deeper for someone every second?

Sunghoon just smiled and nodded, trying to hide his blush.

. . .

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Hello <3 This whole thing was kinda weird to write and very awkward. I was so motivated in the beginning but started to lose inspiration half way haha. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed :)
- MINA -

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