Yn and konohamaru vs sasuke and udon?

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A year later

Every year tsunade calls everybody into one place for different spars

Tsunade: YN Uzumaki, Konohamaru Sarutobi, vs Sasuke uchiha and udon (his last name)

They all jump down

Udon: sasuke-sensei. Let's do this.

Sasuke: let's.

YN pulls out his sword

YN: are you ready? Konohamaru?

Konohamaru's eyes turn blue
Konohamaru: damn right

They all vanish and leave fire trails YN is clashing with sasuke udon is with konohamaru.

Sasuke throws a punch YN blocks and attempts to punch his stomach but Sasuke dissapears in crows

YN vanishes

YN is standing on an arena wall

So is Sasuke

They jump into the air charging at each other

Sasuke tries to kick YN grabs his leg and chops it Sasuke kicks him in the face and YN goes flying and poofs

YN: rasengan

Sasuke dodges. Sasuke throws some shrunken

YN blocks them

Sasuke apppears above him and tries to slam his leg on his head but YN catches it and throws him

With (k) konohamaru and udon(u)

K kicks at his head and u blocks it and throws him k vanishes and sweeps him. U falls but upper cut k. U throws chakra shuriken and k dodges them. They rush eachother Konohamaru goes for a kick udon dodges and punches his stomach Konohamaru gets sent flying but does a back flip and rushes udon

Konohamaru is kakashi
Udon is obito

They both start to laugh

Konohamaru: let's go back and let them do their fight.

The whole audience: if that was the fight of the younger one. How is the other battle gonna be

Yelling can be heard from the audience


YN: sorry granny.

Yn heals and so does Sasuke

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