Konoha 13 play sports

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The teams

team Kurenai team asuma

Team Gai team kakashi

Naruto has the ball. He's running and Kiba tackles him. But before he did that he passes it the Sasuke. Sasuke starts to run and passes it to Neji. Ten ten tackles Neji and neji passes to Yn

Everybody on the other team ran at Yn

Naruto: Sheesh, no more ankles for them.

Kiba runs at Yn

Yn back flips dodging him and lands

Hinata runs at him and jumps at him

Yn ducks and rolls away into a flip and flipped over ten ten and threw the ball into the air. The opposite team made a circle around where it was gonna land. Yn back flips over them and grabs the ball and runs. Shino runs beside him and charges him. Yn stops running making Shino fall to the ground. Yn jumped over his body. Choji blocks Yn and Yn jumps over him and lands back in the ground landing on his back and tossed it to naruto. Shikamaru came at him and naruto went left so did shikamaru. Naruto went right left, then went left and vanished and appeared on his right. Naruto threw the ball to the end and yn threw Sasuke at the ball and he caught it and landed in touchdown. (The rules of sports don't apply here 😁👍)

Crowd: <fan girl noises> <screams>


Team Water: Akira, Yn.

Team Fire: All the other boys. (I didn't include girls, i don't know. Why. I just didn't feel like it. It's such a drag.)

Naruto: No! We're gonna lose now. Yn and akira had a duo is to hard to fight

Fire starts with the ball

Naruto dribbles the ball and runs up. He acts like he's gonna shoot and passes it to Shino. Shino dribbles up and shoot

Yn flips into the air and grabs the ball and passes it to akira

Yn vanishes and appears above the hoop

Yn flips and lands in the middle

Akira throws the ball to Yn

Naruto and sasuke try to block Yn

Yn: Eternal Rinnegan.

Naruto and Sasuke: Eternal Sharingan.

Cliff hanger (I hate cliffhangers but I gotta pee so I'm ending it for now.

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