Konohamaru Becomes chunin

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The chunin exams are happening.

We start off in the third exam

Yn is in the stands as he sees Konohamaru's fight about to happen.

Tsunade: Konohamaru vs......

Tsunade asks Yn.

Tsunade: could you be his fighter for this. But don't go full power.

Yn: ok.

Yn jumps down

Yn: Younger Brother. Tsunade wants me to fight you. So.

Konohamaru: Nii-San. I'm gonna beat you this time.

Konohamaru makes a bunch of shadow clones and makes a giant rasengan

Yn: Hm. You've gotten better with the rasengan.

Yn makes a tailed beast bomb

Konohamaru charges Yn

Yn walks to Konohamaru

They clash and it makes a big explosion

Yn comes back flipping out of it and lands standing on the wall

Konohamaru doesn't come out though

Konohamaru is behind Yn with a kunai

Yn poofs

Yn is sitting in the middle of the arena

Yn: you've gotten fast. Otoūto.

Konohamaru vanishes and appears above Yn with an Edna staff

This catches Yn off guard because he didn't know he could do that yet.

Yn: woah! Where do you learn that, Konohamaru.

Konohamaru: "Practice makes perfect. You don't have to be perfect. Good Is enough" - Yn Uzumaki

Yn: wow way to use my own quote against me

Konohamaru charges with the Edna staff
Yn blocks it with a sword
Konohamaru pulls out a kunai

Yn vanishes

Yn is on the wall

Yn: flying rajjin kunai?

Konohamaru activates joūgan

Yn: Woah! You unlocked that too?!

Konohamaru: Yeah!

They start to move at speeds that nobody can see. They only see sparks flying all over the place

Konohamaru: Giant Rasengan!

Yn: Rasengan Beam!

Konohamaru throws the rasengan

Yn fires the beam

They makes another giant explosion

Yn and Konohamaru clash mid air

Konohamaru throws kunai

Yn blocks them and vanishes

So does Konohamaru

They both appear on the walls Konohamaru on one side Yn on the other

Yn does handsigns

Yn: Chidori.

Konohamaru puts his hand out

Konohamaru: Rasengan

They run down the walls and rush at each other. They jump into the air and clash. The explosion sends shock waves making a giant crater in the ground a black orb surrounded them.

Konohamaru comes out of it and looks around for Yn

Yn: Tsunade, he's definitely ready. Jounin speed, An a rank jutsu. S rank dojūtsu. And summoning

Tsunade: Ok, due to Yn already being Kage level. Konohamaru is the winner

Konohamaru: Yeah-!

Konohamaru falls over and falls on something

Yn carries him on his back.

They both vanish and appear in the stands

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