These Are the Times

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Taliah POV

Today was the day Monsta X had their Puppy Day filming with TwoTuckGom. TwoTuckGom even made them all their own plushies based off of their individual personalities. They were really cute. It was only one day of filming, but it would be split into 10 mini episodes of them taking care of the pups. I tagged along to lend an extra hand. My EP officially releases next week and this little in between time is like the calm before a storm. I was killing myself thinking about it and couldn't just sit around, so I found something to do. I have to say, they don't look bad in pink but I miss the green uniforms. Monsta X-ray gave me so much life. I think that's why I have such an affinity for the boys. They are talented, and cool, but they stay down to earth, and never fail to stop being themselves.

I was dying behind the scenes. THE PUPS WERE JUST SO CUTEEEEEEEE! Especially the two little ones. It took all I had not to run out and pet every single one of them. I must've had the most miserable look on my face because Hyungwon glanced over to me and shortly after asked for a break. He had the second youngest, Malsuk. Once everyone broke for 5 minutes, he walked over to me with Malsuk and handed him to me. I could not stop gushing. I had the biggest smile on my face. Malsuk was so tiny and soft and I just felt like melting into a big pile of goo.

While that was going on, the rest of the pups were venturing out to meet the rest of the cast as well, and I soon found myself surrounded by six other dogs. I reached down to pull up the youngest, so the bigger ones didn't run him over. It was the best 5 minutes of my life. I looked to Hyungwon and gave him a huge smile, "Thank You Wonnie!" I said. He just gave a big smile back and nodded his head. Unfortunately, it couldn't last forever and I had to send everyone back to the main area, but surprisingly, they kept coming back. They would go off, circle the boys, then come back and sit or lay near me. Did I smell like bacon or something? I felt bad because it was giving the film crew a tough time, so I stepped outside.

Besides lunch, I stayed outside for the rest of the shooting. They brought the dogs out eventually for some exercise and I could tell the boys were worried about me a bit, but I just reassured them that I was fine. Thankfully I didn't cause any issues. The pups were all mostly focused on the snacks and events anyway. Finally, they finished shooting and wrapped everything up around 5. I said one last goodbye to the pups and went to join the boys. We all piled into our van and I thought I'd get some sleep since we'd be driving a while.

Next thing I know, Shownu is waking me up. Did we get back that quick? I woke up groggily and looked over to him, "Are we home?" I asked.
He just gave a little smirk and moved out of my line of sight. I saw the most beautiful sunset, crashing waves, and white sand. My eyes went big, "We're at the beach!?" I exclaimed.

He just smiled at my reaction and nodded his head, "Yeah. Manager-nim had already given us the rest of today off and since you tagged along, we all felt it'd be a waste to just go home. Sooo, we thought, why not a bbq on the beach?" I was lost for words. I had never been to the beach before. Not a real one anyway. "I don't even have a swimsuit." I said.

"Ah. Not to worry." Shownu replied, and he pointed across the street from where we parked. Following his finger, it ended at a clothing store, which of course, sold bathing suits.

"We bought ours already and changed while you were sleeping. You can go and shop and come back and change in the van, then join us around the fire when you're through."

I again, looked to where he was pointing, and saw the boys setting up what looked like a grill and food, and Changkyun was actually heading towards us. I reached over and grabbed my wallet from my purse and hopped out of the van. Changkyun had caught up to us by now. "I see you're awake now." he said.

"Yeah." I replied back, "Shownu explained everything so I'm going to go see if I can find a decent bathing suit."

"Oh. I'll come with you Noona." he said.

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