Lock In

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***picture above is the closest I could get to Taliah in my mind***

Taliah POV

This morning I awoke irritably to the persistent sound of my buzzing phone. I know it's been 4 months but I still haven't gotten use to waking up early in Korea vs. waking up early in America. That 13 hr difference is wreaking havoc on my body. Glancing at the time, I saw that it was 5:59, 1 minute before my official alarm was suppose to go off. Looking closer I saw my phone had an incoming call instead of my scheduled alarm displayed. Do you know how precious that last minute of sleep is!? Whoever was calling me right now must have a death wish. I quickly swiped my screen to the right and brought the phone to my ear. Before the other voice could even begin, I. WENT. OFF.

"Who do you think you are calling a person so early in the morning!? Huh!? Robbing someone of their last precious minutes of sleep! I hope you end up driving off a bridge! No, better yet, I hope you get a paper cut on your tongue and suck a lemon." And then hung up.

I tossed my phone to the other side of the bed hoping to cherish the last 30 seconds of relaxation, but even that was taken from me as my phone again began to vibrate. I tried to ignore it but it came to the point where I needed to turn off my alarm and by then I might as well just answer the thing.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

The voice replied slightly agitated, "Get up and go turn on the TV, or would you like me to go drive off a bridge first?" It sounded a lot like Manager-nim and I became somewhat embarrassed at my behavior.

"Ya," I replied pouty like, "What's that tone? You woke me first. You should have let me finish my sleep cycle."

"Just go turn on the news!" he yelled.

"Fine! Fine. No need to yell. So bossy." I mumbled the last part.  As I left my room, I was surprised to see the rest of Monsta X awake as well and surrounding the TV. I must have been the last person he decided to call. As I walked closer, the news was already on and all eyes were glued to the television screen so I gave my attention to it as well, "...Breaking News, a bomb threat has been issued at Starship Entertainment. Current sources say the person behind the threat is still unknown and the police presently do not know how serious the threat is. As you can see from the helicopter clip however, the police are taking no chances. The KNP SWAT team have set up a perimeter around the building and a few officers are suited up and doing sweeps around the building assisted by local law enforcement and the K-9 division..." My jaw went slack. I was shocked, worried, and angry all at once.

"Is this for real!?" I yelled. I managed to startle the group since I had not yet made my presence known.

"Ya!" Jooheon yelled back, "You nearly gave me a heart attack! What are yelling so early in the morning for!"

I sent him an apologetic look and said a soft, "Sorry"

"Are you with the boys?" Manager asked. I had forgotten he was still on the phone.


"Good, put me on speaker" I did as told.

"Okay. You all know the current situation as the news has so kindly shared. Usually we are able to keep things like this under wraps but someone posted about the fact that they installed a bomb somewhere in Starship Entertainment HQ and it spread all over social media. Skeptical opinions began to take flight and then the news got a hold of it and...you know. Official orders from the CEO and the police are to stay indoors, open the doors for only those you know, and to only go out if an emergency arises. If the news knew where we keep our idols you could guarantee they'd be surrounding your apartment; no need to make that a reality. Also, like the news said, we don't know the full extent of the matter, but this is also in case this is real and targeting a single artist or member. I'll call with updates as I get them. That's all." Then the line went dead.

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