Baby Boy

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Minhyuk POV


"Minhyuk. Come down stairs for a minute."

"Oh. Manager-nim. Okay. I'll be right down."

I hung up the phone and glanced back over at a sleeping Kihyun. The other day during practice, Kihyun took a misstep and went tumbling to the ground. We all thought he had broken his ankle but in actuality, he sprained his big toe. The doctors told him to stay off of it for the next couple's been a whole week. He's been acting like a straight brat, bossing all the members around, even Taliah! So far she doesn't seem to mind, but he's just about gotten on everyone else's last nerve. Every time the doctors come to check on him he exclaims in pain like he hasn't healed at all, but I know he's fine, the little faker. It makes me even angrier that I'm stuck on babysitting duty since I was the only one free today. After grumbling all down the hall and in the elevator, I finally reached Manager-nim standing just inside the door.
"Manager-nim." I called. "You wanted to see me?"


My cheek stung and I could feel the area swelling up a bit. I looked back at him wide eyed.

"Who do you think you are huh!?" He yelled. "Do you think you're special? You think you can just do whatever you want!? You think I wouldn't hear about the stunt you pulled the other night!?"

I just stayed silent.

"What was so important that you ran out on your members? Huh!? You should be thankful Shownu defended you otherwise the company would replace you on the spot! Not to mention how much trouble you put me in!" he scolds.

Shownu-hyung covered for me?

"Sorry, Manager-nim. I'll accept the consequences." I say submissively.

"Of course you will, it wasn't a choice. I'm taking your free time away effective immediately. Until you prove to me that you truly value the position you're in, you will have extra practice sessions and cleaning duties, understood!?"

"Yes, Manager-nim." I say.

"Good. Get your stuff. I've already set aside a practice room for you." he states.

I furrowed my brows. "Right now? What about Kihyun? I don't think he needs anyone to watch him anymore, but you know how he gets."

"It's fine. I already have someone covering for you."

Now I was really confused. Kihyun was picky. He wouldn't accept the company of just anyone. Who could he have gotten at the last minute?
Taliah POV

"Yongguk," I started. "Don't give me that face it won't work." I was currently staring at a pouty Yongguk who was trying to convince me to feed him a bite of my food. We had just started our lunchbreak. "It's not my fault you didn't want to go to the same place as me. I already told you. Now go enjoy your pizza with everyone else."

"But you make it look so good!!!! Please Taliah, just one bite?" He whined.

"Daehyun! Come get ya boy!" I yell.

Daehyun looked over and chuckled a bit with a short reply, "Sorry Taliah, not my problem."

"Come on! Help me out. Zelo? Himchan?" They just gave me sympathetic stares.

"Jung-up?" I gave my best puppy dog eyes to him and HE. DIDN'T. EVEN. RESPOND. Youngjae left before I could even look in his direction. I just put my head in my hands. I peaked back out at Yongguk who still hadn't given up, and gave a heavy sigh. "Fine."

His whole face instantly lit up and he opened his mouth ready for the tasty treat. I picked up a piece of chicken out of my dish and was about to feed it to him when my phone started buzzing. I quickly put down my chopsticks in order to answer it in time. "Hello?" I answered.
"Taliah, it's me."

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