I Can't Think of a Name for This Part

Start from the beginning

"Fuck you," he replied in a strange accent.

I sighed, "Kill him."

I flicked the cigarette and we ascended the sewer ladder. I moved the manhole cover and took a look around. A group of men were guarding the backside of the building but too distracted by the dancing women to notice us. A man was throwing up by a lantern and a couple of men were laughing at him armed with pipes and bats. One of the trucks was coming our way. I shut the manhole cover. The headlights passed and the wheels bounced over our heads. I lifted the cover again and saw the men helping the other man throwing up. I climbed up and Snake came behind me. We latched the cover back and dashed behind a couple of crates. I looked over at the second building. The spotlights made the same rounds glaring on the crates and away from them every couple of seconds. The lights passed and we ran to the wall under the scaffolding on the side of the smaller building. We made our way to a window to take a look inside. Three men were sitting inside passing around a joint. They were throwing dice against a wall and tossing in money. We headed for the door and as we approached it swung open. Two men came stumbling out, too drunk and busy finding a footing to notice us dash back around the corner. The men headed the opposite direction holding on to each other for support. We quickly slid into the door before it latched shut.

The building was old and run down. Lights that once were part of the ceiling were now holding on by a wire. The air ducts were visible through the crumbling ceiling. Rats were running rampant even more so than the sewers, they ran from box to box it seemed the Alemmani used this as a storage place. The hallways ran in front and to the right of me, barely lit with the poor lighting we made our way down the hall to the right ducking under each door's broken glass windows. Every other room had people inside, some rooms blaring music the hallways echoed with mixed vibes. In other rooms men were smoking pipes, I don't think they would notice our presence even if we knocked the door down. We found a staircase at the end of the hallway. Foul smelling liquid leaked from the pipes above forming a river into a drain at our feet. They're improvised sewage system had some flaws. We made our way to the next floor where the hole in the building began. The larger building was still too far away for the grappling hook so we continued up the next flight of stairs.

No one was on this floor except for the moaning of women and a banging on the walls coming from the rooms. We continued up another flight the next floor was completely in the open; the roof had collapsed onto it. The spotlight from the larger building made its round across the floor. We ducked down the stairs and returned after the light passed. "All right, we got about a minute before the spotlight comes back around, so since you made the grappling hook you're gonna go first," I said. "Alright, whatever I'll throw it down to you after I made it acrossth," Snake was observing the larger building. "You sthee those pipesth sthicking out of the wall?" Snaked pointed. "Yeah."

"That'sth where we sthould throw the hook to."

"Sounds good, let's see it happen."

We waited down the stairs for the light to pass over again and then Snake dashed for the edge of the building and jumped down to the roof covering the broken walkway.

I crouched and watched as Snake swung the rope around a couple of times and released it. The wrenches flew with the rope spiraling behind them and smacked into a vent on the building creating a loud vibrating noise and falling on top of two pipes lodging in place. The men on top of the larger building must not have heard but the light was starting towards us. Snake tugged at the rope, which gave no slack. He held it tight and swung to the wall of the building and began scaling the wall. I ducked down the stairs as the light passed by. Snake was hidden in the dark the truck passing couldn't see nor could the light from the roof reach him. I returned to the roof to see Snake crouching on top of the other side of the walkway. I made my way to the edge of my side of the walkway and he tossed the grappling hook to me. I caught it and did as he had done and through it to the pipes. I hadn't had such luck as he did and the grappling hook swung off the pipes. I tried to reel it in so it wouldn't smack the building I was on but I wasn't fast enough. I heard the shattering of a window below me. My heart dropped but I kept my cool. I peeked over the edge to see the silhouette of a man's head looking down to the broken glass. I was worried he would alarm the others, so I quickly tried again this time I succeeded. I swung and climbed to where Snake was. We both crouched to watch the aftermath of my mistake.

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