Where Am I?

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A girl gasped for air and coughed up water. She looked around to see that she was moving upward in a cage-like elevator. Her mind was telling her to remain calm, but that was nearly impossible. Her mind was empty, it's like she can't remember anything.

Suddenly, the cage elevator was getting faster. It looked like it was going to hit the top. The girl braced for impact just as the cage elevator came to holt. A red light illuminated the cage, then it switched to green, then it went dark. Playing dead was the first idea that popped in her head.

Blinding light pierced through her eye lids, but she still managed to play dead. Worst case scenario, unconscious. She could hear voices, then a movement in the cage.

"It's another girl." a voice said with an accent.

There were other male voices murmuring to each other.

"You think she's dead?" the accent voice asked.

"Jeff, check her out." another voice ordered.

Another movement came in the cage. A shadow of a person covered the sunlight. The girl felt two fingers on her wrist.

"She has a pulse." a boy said.

"Okay. Jeff, Clint, you two secure her in the med-hut. Everyone else, start unloading the Box." another voice instructed.

The girl felt herself being picked up by two pairs of arms. She just kept on telling herself 'keep acting unconscious' in her head. She felt herself being laid on a bed and covered up with a blanket. When she felt that she was alone, the girl started to wake up.

She looked at her surroundings. It looked like she was in a tree house structure. There were medical supplies on a shelf. The girl hugged her legs to her chest. Then, she heard a noise approaching. She got off the bed and grabbed a medical tool to defend herself.

Three boys came in. Two were white and one was black. They stopped in their tracks and held their hands up to show that they weren't a threat.

"Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?" the girl frantically asked.

"Whoa! Take it easy, greenie." one of the white boys answered.

The black boy slowly walked up to her.

"I'm gonna take this." he said, taking the medical tool from her.

The other white boy came up to her.

"Let's sit you back down on the bed, okay?" he said.

The girl got a feeling that they were trying to help her, so she let them. Once they took the medical tool away and sat her back down on the bed, all three of them let out sighs of relief.

"Well, uh. We better introduce ourselves. My name is Newt. This is Clint and Jeff. They're the med-jacks." the boy with the accent voice said.

"You guys didn't answer my questions." she said.

"Sorry about that. You're in Glade. We were all sent up here, it's normal. We've all been through this." Jeff explained.

"I can't even remember my own name." the girl said. She started to cry.

"It's okay. Hey, relax. I think I already know your name." Newt said.

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