Fight On, Fighter

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The next day, the group continued their journey to the mountains. It seemed like they are getting further away as the kids move forward. The heat was excessive and their water supply was low.

Night fell and there was nowhere to take shelter. The group had no choice, but sleep out in the open. Some heat lightning was occurring in the clouds, which could mean that a storm was approaching.

Thomas woke up and saw something off in the distance. It looked like lights glowing near a mountain top.

"Hey, hey, hey! Get up! Get up!" Thomas said in a hoarse voice.

He woke everyone up and showed them what he was seeing off in the distance. Everyone rubbed the sleep out of their eyes and looked.

"You see that? It's lights." he said.

"We made it." Newt said.

A clap of thunder turned their attention to the clouds behind them. Then, came lightning. They better get going if they want to escape it.

"Let's go. We gotta go! Come on!" Thomas said.

They grabbed their backpacks and started to run towards the lights. But, the storm seemed to be moving in faster than they could run. Lightning bolts were striking in every direction.

"HURRY!" Frypan yelled.

"KEEP MOVING! COME ON!" Thomas yelled.

"LET'S GO!" Minho yelled.

"WE'RE GETTING CLOSER!" Mallory yelled.

They ran closer towards a warehouse-like building. There was a lot of scrap metal on the ground, which could attract the lightning.

Minho got distracted by the storm and he was running near a car. Then, another lightning bolt came down and struck him!

Thomas looked back and saw their friend on the ground.

"MINHO!" he yelled as he went over to him.

He tried to shake him awake. Newt and Aris also came over to help get Minho off the ground. Frypan, Teresa, and Mallory led the group over to the building.

"HURRY! WHOA!" Teresa yelled.

Frypan got a door open and let the girls get inside first.

"MOVE! COME ON, HURRY UP! COME ON!" he yelled as the other boys made their way inside.

After everyone was inside, they went down to Minho's aid.

"Set him down easy." Newt said.

"Mallory, you got his head?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, I got him." she said, laying Minho's head in her lap.

Newt turned on his flashlight to illuminate the dark warehouse.

"Minho!" Thomas said, shaking his chest.

"Minho!" Newt said.

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