New Discovery

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The crew landed on shore to make way on the island. Across from them there was a town that they could get some more resources for their adventures. Luffy was extremely excited to go, but was stop by the orange navigator with her furious fist. Of course they were a notorious group to travel across the sea, but their captain was carefree as always.

"Alright then! It looks like there's a town up ahead." Said Nami. "We can find some resources for us when we go back on sea."

"HAIII NAMI-SWANNNN!" Exclaimed the love cook. "I believe I could collect some more food to feed you and Robin-chan!"

"Hey, what about us?" Asked Usopp

"Y'all can starve. See if I care."

"So mean!!!"

"I need to get some more bandages and medications for everyone." Said the little reindeer. He turned his head to stare at his important patient, Zoro. "Especially for you, Zoro."

"But I'm fine now." Retorted Zoro, but Chopper wasn't trying to hear his excuses anymore. "Zoro, you still have to recover and relax right now."

"But-," Zoro was about to replied, but Robin cut him off.

"Kenshin-San, I believe you should listen to Doctor-San." Said Robin. Zoro was staring at the archaeologist for a moment, staring at her beautiful blue eyes. She was still worried about him. She know he'll be okay from now on since everyone knows, but some part of her feel scared for him to do something reckless. "Tch, fine." He replied.

"I think I'm gotta stay behind to tidy up the Sunny. I got my cola, so it's gonna be SUPPPPER!!" Said the blue haired cyborg. That being said, Franky climbed back on deck to proceed to do his tasks.
"Well, I guess guarding the ship is off the list," said Nami. "So who's going with who this time?"


"Oi, curly cook. There's no time to deal with your stupidity right now." Interrupted Zoro. This made Sanji turned to butt heads with the swordsman. "Ohhhhh you are so lucky your stupidity ass is injured. I would kick the color out your hair mosshead."

"Shittty cook."

"Filthy mosshead."

"Enough with the bickering already." Nami sighed while holding her forehead, not trying to get more upset.

"Oh, it seems I see a person across the sealine. Though I don't have any eyes. Yohohoho." Joked the tall skeleton. He set his sight, though he doesn't have eyes, on a figure that apparantly came from the town. It was old man just walking around the sand, examining the blue sky without a care in his point of view. The old man seem happy, satisfied with the life he lived in. After that, he noticed the pirate from afar and started to walk to them.

"Hiya, old man! I'm Monkey D Luffy! I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" He exclaimed. The old man seem confused at first by the way that Luffy was talking to him. Nami suddenly push Luffy aside knowing he's becoming a nuisance right now. "Tch, that idiot," whispered the navigator. "Don't mind him, he just being himself. Do you know that if the town over could have some resources that we could use?" The old man was still confused. Nami become a little nervous about situation as if the old man didn't hear her. "Uhm, hello?"

"え?" Said the old man.

It was silence. Nobody was talking after the old man spoke. Two parties were both confused on what they're saying, knowing now they don't understand each other. This is gonna be problem for sure.

" 申し訳ありませんが、何を言っているのですか? (I'm sorry, but what are you saying miss?)" Said the old man. All of the strawhats were confused now. They've never heard this native language before.

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