Missing crew member

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The day past by into nighttime, meaning it's dinner time for the starwhats. Sanji was preparing food for his friends, especially his lovely queens, Nami and Robin. But the first one that comes in with his endless space for food was his captain. Luffy came running into the kitchen, chanting for food to be devoured by him.  Immediately, the cook attacked Luffy with one of his feet to make him stop before he does anything reckless.

"You're not gonna eat everyone's food, you rubber bastard!" Yelled Sanji. The cook pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and proceed to smoke it.

"Awwwwww, Sanji I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy!!" Whined the goofy captain

"I don't care, just wait for everyone to arrive, and then you'll eat."

The captain pouted and accepted the cook's demand. After that altercation, the rest of the crew came in, settling in on their seats. When the ladies came in, Sanji's eyes turned into hearts, and proceed to be the 'perfect' man for them.

"NAMI-SWAN! ROBIN-CHAN! HOW ARE MY LOVELY LADIES DOING?" Cheered the love cook. Robin chuckled at the cook's enthusiasm.

"Hello, Cook-San. I'm doing alright." Replied Robin


"Thanks, Sanji-Kun. I really appreciate it." Said the orange-haired navigator.

"Awww, Nami-swan is cute when she appreciatively." Said the perverted cook

"Oi Oi Oi, how about our special drinks?" Asked the long-nosed sniper.

"Y'all get water."

"Aw, no fairrrrr"

"It doesn't matter, as long if I got my cola, it's SUPPPPPERRRRR!!" said the blue-haired cyborg.

"Yohohoho, I don't mind with water to drink, though I don't have a tongue nor throat." Said jokingly from the afro skeleton.

"Yosh! Finally, everyone is here. Now let's eat!" Yelled the young captain, ready to dig in. As he grabs his plate, one of the crewmates notices that one of them is missing. That green-hair swordsman.

"Um, did anyone seen Zoro?" Asked the curious reindeer

As he mentioned that their friend is not here, everyone sighed knowing it was up in the Crow's nest. Irritating came on the cook's face and got up from his seat to make  Zoro come down. Before he can do it, he was stopped by Robin's hand.

"Perhaps I'll get Kenshin-San to join us. It wouldn't be a problem, right Cook-San?" Asked the raven-haired archaeologist.

"N-not at all Robin-chan. You can go get that moss head, but if he tries anything....." Sanji replied

"I'm sure that he'll won't do anything to hurt me," she smiled at the cook. "I'll be right back."

"Ok meysysvd ifkdj" said the muffled captain.

"No one can understand you, idiot." Said the navigator. "You go ahead, Robin. If he tries to do anything. I'll raise his debt like I always do."

Robin smiled at her friend's remark. She went her way to get their swordsman to eat.

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