Marine attack

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"Oi, the hell going on!?" Yell Zoro. He was looking around seeing that everyone were in battle mode. He heard another explosion across the sea, suddenly realizing it was a marine ship. "Tch, typical assholes." He pulled out his two swords to commence the battle.

The marine ship was getting closer and closer until it shot another cannonball. Luffy expands his belly to push back the cannon ball. "Gomu-Gomu no...BALLOON!!" Yelled the strawhat captain. It was direct hit to the base on the ship. "Yosh! Got it!"

"WAHHHHH!!!" The yell is coming from the long nose sniper. He was staring at the opposite direction of the ship, pointing at two marine ships coming straight at them. "T-t-two more are coming straight at us!!" Cried Usopp. "Calm down, we'll just take Coup de Burst." Said the orange navigator. "Haiiiii! Nami-swan is so clever with her strategies!!" Said the love cook.

"Oi we have a problem!" Yelled the blue haired cyborg. "We don't have enough for a Burst eight now!" That news isn't good at all. Both Chopper and Usopp started to panic, running around in a circle pleading for their lives. "We gonna die! We gonna die!" They both said similarly.

"Well, looks like we about to raise havoc again, now ain't we?" Asked the green swordsman with a smirk on his face. "Shishishishishi, of course we are." Replied Luffy. Sanji lit up a cigar to join the duo with their fight. "Let's go," said luffy as he stretch his arms on the deck to prepare to launch. This made both Zoro and Sanji frozen in fear knowing what their captain is about to do. "GOMU GOMU NO.....ROCKET!!"The three crewmates launched themselves on the enemy's ship. The navigator sighed, seeing her idiot captain doing a reckless action. Robin chuckled at the navigator's expression, seeing the trio being at the enemy's ship in a "interesting" way. She also wondered about Zoro's condition. It was unnecessary for him to fight in a battle in the state that he's in right now. 'Please don't push yourself, Kenshin-San,' She thought.

"Is something wrong, Robin-chan?" Asked the curious skeleton. She perked up after hearing that question. She didn't show her true expression, but gave Brook a smile that reassured his question. "No, nothing is wrong Brook-San." Replied the archaeologist.

On the marine ship, the monster trio completely were battling the marines as if it was nothing. "Tch, these marines are always a pest." Said Sanji. "Diablo Jambe....COLLISION!" The attack wiped out some marines out the ship into sea.
Next it was Zoro. The swordsman put his third sword in his mouth to process to use Santoryu style. "Santoryu...Hyaku Hachi Pound Ho!!" The blades cuts through the deck, and through the marines like it was nothing. Lastly, the rubber man person blow his right hand up to use gear third. "Gear Third....Giant Balloon!" The marines were immediately wiped out by the fist.

"Yosh! Looks like that was some fun!" Said the smiling captain. "We should head back now. Sanjiiiiii! I need some food when we return!" "Alright, I know you shitty rubber bastard!" Replied Sanji.  He sighed, he'd pull out another cigarette to smoke . While he was smoking, he noticed that the swordsman was looking very pale and not very energetic as his old self. 'Mosshead isn't his usually self. He shit.' He thought.

"Oi, shithead! You doing alright over there? Were those marines a problem for you?" Said the cook, jokingly.

"Buzz-off Curly brow!" Replied Zoro, irritated. "I'm alright. I'm moving perfectly fine am I?"

"Tch, alright then. Idiot."

"Curly idiot."

"Shitty mosshead."

"WHAT'D YOU SAY!!" They both said at the same time, ready to attack each other. But then, Luffy was ready to launch himself to the Thousand Sunny again. He just smiled and yell his signature line.

"GOMU GOMU NO......."

Both of the swordsman and cook looked over to their captain, seeing to do something reckless.

'Oh no.....'


The three monster went high flying towards their ship, leaving the marine ship in waste.

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