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The crew were still sailing across the sea to find themselves a island to discover and explore. Luffy was sitting on his special seat staring across the ocean, Usopp and Franky was making some new cola for the ship, Nami was making another map in her room, Brook was playing his violin, Sanji was making lunch for everyone, Robin was reading her book in the shade, Chopper was in the medical room creating some more rumble balls for future fights, and Zoro was training in the Crow's Nest.

Hours passed on the ship, Chopper was announcing that he's need to do check up on everyone.

"Ok everyone, I need to check on everyone's health if there's a problem or not." Said the little reindeer

Everyone went to the medical room one by one for their check up. It was pretty good to see every individual in good health. First it was Luffy, then Sanji, then Usopp, etc. The only one that didn't showed up was Zoro. Some of the crew sighed knowing that the green swordsman was not here with them. 'He'd probably still training in the Crow's nest,' thought Chopper.

"Could somebody get Zoro for his check-up?"

"I'll go get that stupid mosshead." Sanji replied

Sanji went up to the ropes and open the hatch to enter the room. Zoro was swinging the weights up and down like it was nothing to them. He was in a deep focus until the cook interrupt his thought process.

"Oi Mosshead! Get your ass down here now!" Complained Sanji

Irritation came into Zoro's face knowing the love cook will piss him off.

"What do you want Love Cook? Can't you see I'm busy!?" Replied Zoro

"Chopper called us for a check up and you're the only one left. So get down here and visit him dumbass!"

"Shut up! I'll go,but not just cuz you just told me idiot!"

The stubbornness would continue for awhile, but Zoro complied and went to Chopper for his check-up. As he was climbing down to the deck, he felt his body extremely warm for some reason. He know it could be two reasons for it, he was exercising his body for too long and sweat was all over him or old wounds and injures are starting to bothering him again. 'Shit, not now' he thought. He knows that everyone has a limit to what they're capable of, especially him. He already took Luffy's pain and fatigue two years ago, and it was tortured for him to take on upon himself. But he did it anyway, because he doesn't want see his captain having to deal with all the pain and stress he'd endured. The green swordsman was breathing heavily, taking some deep breaths in and out the air he consumed to make the pain go away. The pain disappear for now, he knew that it'll return sooner or later. 'No one can know, absolutely no one.' He sighed after that thought after finding his way into the medical room.

"Oi, Chopper. I'm here." said Zoro

"Okay Zoro. I need you to sit over there for me so that I could check on your heartbeat and temperature.

Zoro pulled up a chair and waiting to get this over with. Chopper had his stethoscope onto Zoro's chest to hear his heart. It was beating, but it took the doctor's concern into a whole other level. The swordsman's heartbeat was slowly beating, seeming like he was about to die. He doesn't seem injured or having internal bleeding in his body, just pure and healthy. 'How can this be? His heart slowly beating and he seem fine. Something is wrong and he know what it is.' Next, the doctor checked on his temperature. he put his hoof on Zoro's forehead and felt a warm presence. 'It's a fever, no doubt about it. Why he didn't tell me?' Chopper was now extremely worried about the swordsman's health. He'd pulled back his hoof and began asking questions about Zoro's health.

"Zoro, why do you have a fever?" asked the small doctor

"What do you mean?" replied Zoro with a confused expression on his face

" Your body is very warm than it used to. So why you didn't report to me about it?"

"But I feel fine though. It's probably just the training that I've done causing my body to be hot, and beside I look fine right?"

Chopper was skeptical about Zoro's health at this moment, but sighed thinking that it was just nothing and probably the equipment that he had was getting old. So he let Zoro off the hook, but he was still worried.

"Alright, I'll let you go, but if something goes wrong about your body, you will tell me right?" Requested the doctor

"Of course I will. Beside, who else is gonna help me with my injures?" Said the green swordsman

"R-r-relying on me doesn't make me happy, you idiot!" said the small reindeer while smiling and dancing.

Zoro smirked at the adorable reindeer and went out the door to go out deck to take a nap. The swordsman knew the pain and wounds wouldn't be discovered, hiding it well and preventing anyone to see them. He didn't want to think about it as he drifted away to sleep.

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