A Bloody Mess

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The promise was made. He didn't want to show her, the damaged body he had. But she persists that she wants to know what happened to her friend, why is he suffering and not telling no one about it. He sighed and looked at her eyes to proceed to speak again. 

"Alright, I'll tell you. No. Rather, I'll show you." Zoro said

Moments of silence passed before he took a deep breath, slipped off his robe, leaving his upper body bare, and said, "do it." To whom he was directing his words, she wasn't sure, but the question soon flew out of her mind when the mysterious who did what Zoro asked.

The swordsman had simply turned red. She couldn't find any other words for it, he just... turned red. Or rather, the blood dyed him red.

The substance flowed freely down his muscled body, the inexperienced stitches doing absolutely nothing to ease it. There were gashed on his forehead, arms, torso, everywhere, even his usually bright green hair was toned down and dulled by layers of crusted blood. There was a particularly eye-catching one curving down his body from shoulder to hip, almost like it was purposefully tracing the long, thin scar that he had received from Dracule Mihawk. Another was a straight up stab into his broad chest just inches away from his heart, where she could see an infection setting in. One more made its way from his temple all the way down to his collarbone, tearing open the delicate skin on his neck but just shallow enough so that he would survive.

What he had been exposed to had been pure torture. Wounds with the intent to maim and to cause unbearable agony, but not to kill. Who had done this, with injuries like this... how had the crew not seen it? How had the crew not seen the blood, the stitches, the infections. How had they not noticed the endless suffering that the first mate had been going through? And most importantly, why hadn't he asked for treatment?

Questions swam around in Robin's head, but she couldn't focus on them, not with Zoro standing so calmly in front of her, covered from head to toe in his own blood. Tears, too shocked to flow, did not come. She sat there, her eyes staring into his, only hoping he would understand the request. He apparently did. "Stop."

As soon as the word was uttered, the red started to fade, replaced by the tanned tone of his skin and the once again bright green of his hair. It didn't take five minutes before the Zoro that the crew had been seeing was presented before her once again, his singular eye locked with hers, the warning flashing in those green depths.

The air was still, both of them didn't said a word after that encounter. Robin was looking with sad expression, the tears were about to burst  out her eyes seeing Zoro in this pain and agony.

"So..... now you know." Said the swordsman

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