Chapter 6: The Goblin Champion

Start from the beginning

The goblin champion falls on one knee

Akemi lands on the ground and grabs another club "feeling a little tired?" he runs towards goblin champion

The goblin champion looks at the ground

Akemi jumps in the air and puts both of his hands on the club "AHHH!" he hits the goblin champion on the left side of his hand

The goblin champion looks up with blood dripping down his face and a wide smile on his face

Akemi eyes widen as he looks down at the goblin champion "you're still smiling, eh?"

The goblin champion cocks back his right arm with his fist balled

Akemi: "He took that blow just to bait me? Smart fucker" he puts his left arm and leg up prepared to block the punch " I can't dodge in midair"

The goblin champion punches Akemi and sends him flying

Akemi flies through 3 trees then hits the ground and bounces in the air "Gah!" he spits up blood and rolls on the ground, hitting another tree back first

Akemi uses his right arm to push himself up as blood drips on the ground "He got me..." he sits down against the tree revealing his left arm and left leg covered in blood with blood dripping from the left side of his head, with his left eye is closed "He was a lot smarter...That I expected" he breaths heavily and looks down at his left arm "It's so painful but" he lifts his left arm slowly while it shakes "I can still use my arm"

A shadow falls over Akemi

Akemi: "Huh?" he looks up and sees a tree flying towards him then his eyes widen

The tree crashes where Akemi is, creating a large cloud of dust and dirt

Akemi crouches on his right knee while looking to the right at the tree that was launched into the ground, where he was "that damn goblin" he stands up "Luckily I can still move"

More loud bangs can be heard around the forest

Akemi looks around "He's throwing more? I should...Wait, those trees aren't anywhere near me now, meaning he doesn't know where I am...This may work in my favor actually"

Goblin Champion: "KKRRAAAAHHHH" he wraps his arms around a tree, and veins appears around his arms

Akemi watches the goblin champion from behind a bush

The goblin champion picks up the tree then puts it on his right shoulder and throws it

Akemi: "Good he still hasn't noticed I'm not there" he looks at the corpses of the small goblins on the ground then sees a dagger lying next to one of them "a dagger?"

The goblin champion starts yelling

Akemi: "I have an idea" he smirks "but I'll only have one chance, considering the bad shape my arm and leg are in...This is exciting"

The goblin champion turns to another tree and wraps his arms around it

Akemi: "Now!" he bolts out of the bushes and grabs the dagger with his right hand while running toward the goblin champion

The goblin champion turns his head slightly to the left and notices Akemi

Akemi's Thoughts: "What? He noticed me already?"

The goblin champion let's go of the tree

Akemi's Thoughts: "Faster! Faster! Ignore the pain!" he gets closer to the goblin champion and stumbles "Ack! My leg!"

The goblin champion cocks back his left foot

Akemi's Thoughts: "Am I not going to make it?"

The goblin champion kicks at Akemi

Akemi's Thoughts: "Impossible! Me losing to a mere ant? IMPOSSIBLE!"

Akemi disappears

The goblin champion looks around

Akemi appears in the goblin champion's face and he stabs him in the right eye with the dagger

Blood gushes out of the goblin champion's eye

The goblin champion: "KRRAAAAHHHH" he shakes his head

Akemi swings on the back of the goblin champion neck and puts his arms on both sides of his neck tightly "AH! My arm!"

The goblin champion keeps yelling in pain while crashing his back into the trees

Akemi tightens his grip "Stop struggling!" veins starts appearing on his arms

Akemi's Thoughts: "Until I've had my revenge" a woman with dark skin, silver hair and a pearl necklace appears in his mind "I WILL CRUSH ANYTHING IN MY PATH!"

The goblin champion spits up blood

Akemi: "DIE!"

The goblin champion falls to the ground

Akemi rolls off of the goblin champion's neck while panting. he sits up slowly and leans against the goblin champion then looks at the sky "ha...ha...HAHAHAHAHA...I've gotten stronger" he raises his right fist towards the sky "Just you bastards wait, I'm coming for you!"

Window: "Akemi Haruki

Level: 10

HP: 1380

MP: 380

Title: Goblin Hunter

Job: None

Strength: 79

Agility: 79

Intelligence: 10

Defense: 49

Luck: 10"

Window: "Skill- Quick Step Obtained

Movement speed will increase by 30%, consumes 5 MP per second"

Window: "The Goblin Champion has been defeated

[Goblin Dungeon] Has been cleared"


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