Chapter 28: Class Examination Pt.4: Ayaka Vs Yuuto

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Akemi takes a step down from the arena

Four people in white one piece outfits run on stage and surround Doi

Person one flips over Doi and taps his face

Yuuto stares at Akemi in Awe

Yuuto Thoughts: "Is that really Lian...Akemi? He beat Doi so effortlessly!"

The people put Doi on a stretcher and walks off of the arena with him

Akemi steps onto the ground then looks to the left and walks past Yuuto

Yuuto: "Ah..." he holds out his right hand to tap Akemi but stops as he walks past

Yuuto Thoughts: "Nevermind, I can't do it" he sighs and looks to the ground

Akemi stops "Hm?" he turns his head and looks behind him at Yuuto "was something the matter?"

Yuuto looks up surprised "Huh?" he looks to the right at Akemi

Akemi: "Did you want something from me?"

Yuuto:" Ah N-no...Well...Um...That was a good match"

Akemi: "Oh, thank you" he turns back around "good luck with yours then"
he walks away

Yuuto: "Really!? Thank you!" he balls up both of his hands in excitement

Yuuto: "Really!? Thank you!" he balls up both of his hands in excitement

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Akemi walks towards Haru, Ken and Fumiko

Haru: "Nice fight there, you did go a little overboard"

Akemi: "Really? seeing who I was fighting, I don't think I did"

Ken laughs "I agree, you got him good" he looks at Akemi's cloths "but you should go change"

Akemi: "Why?"

Ken: "Your cloths are all ripped up, you might as well not even be wearing a shirt"

Akemi: "I'm fine"

Haru: "There was something weird that he said that I would like to know"

Akemi: "What is it?"

Haru: "Toward the end of the fight, that Doi guy fell to his knees suddenly then once he came to, he said he escaped some kind of hell"

Akemi: "Oh that, well it's a technique I learned a while back"

Haru: "A technique?"

Akemi: "A long time ago"


Akemi looks around

Ken stands up straight looking to the left at Fumiko

Haru smiles with his eyes closed "Is that so?"

Akemi looks back at Haru "Yeah, I'll show you another time"

Fumiko lifts her phone slightly over the barricade


Ken flinches

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