Chapter 29: Minha's Strongest, The Empress Kana

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Yuuto and Yuki lays on the ground not moving

Referee: "Wh-what just happened?"

The audience stares at Yuuto and Yuki waiting for one of them to stand up

A few moments pass and neither Yuki or Yuuto moves an inch

Fumiko: "looks like they're down for the count"

Ken: "Yeah, it was a pretty intense battle too"

Akemi sighs

Referee: "Um" he looks around then looks at Shinjiro sitting in the audience

Shinjiro nods his head

Referee nods his head back then walks in the middle of the arena "well ladies and gentleman neither of the competitors are able to continue, this match will be ending in a draw"

The audience starts chattering

Referee which means the winner of the Class Examination of class D is." he holds out his hand towards Akemi "Akemi Haruki!"

Akemi looks confused "Huh?"

People in white outfits put Yuuto and Yuki on stretchers then takes them off stage

The referee flicks his hand "come to the stage"

Akemi: "This doesn't feel like a win" he starts walking towards the arena

The audience hesitates to clap then starts clapping and cheering loudly

Akemi walks up the stairs and onto to the arena

The referee raises Akemi's hand into the air "Your winner"

Akemi looks around with a blank stare "this is really anti climatic"

Voice: "Wait!"

The audience slowly stops clapping then looks behind them

Referee: "Who is that"

Shinjiro looks to his right "Oh?"

Kana stands up

Mio: "Huh? Kana what are you doing?

Kana: "this isn't fair or exciting for the people that made time to come here" she jumps into the air and lands in the arena

Students: "Isn't that Kana?, Wait the empress Kana!?, What is she doing?, Is she going to fight Akemi?, If she does Akemi is done for, the empress is the strongest in the academy after all, right? I heard she like a god of war when she's fighting"

Akemi looks over at the student "strongest in the academy huh? " he looks back at Kana "they said a war god?"

The referee walks towards Kana "Um, excuse me"

Kana walks past the referee and towards Akemi 

A image of a tiger appears behind Kana as she's walking

Akemi's thoughts: "So that's why she's looking at me as if she's a beast and I'm her prey, she has such an overwhelming presence around her"

Kana: "You are strong after all huh? I thought you would only be good at killing civilians"

Akemi: "Oh ho?" he smiles "that's a bold thing to say upon our first meeting"

Kana: "Heh, so you're not even going to attempt to hide it?"

Akemi: "Why should I when it seems you already know?"

Kana: "You are an honest person aren't ya?"

Akemi: "I only know to tell the truth"

Kana: "Allow me to introduce myself my name is Kana, people call me empress Kana"

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