The Xu Family (Season Finale)

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The Xu's Estate

People chattering

A woman with pink hair standing in front of Li "aww Li Xu, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you" she looks at Li, you look so pretty in that black dress, it really suits you" she rubs her hands together

Li nods her head then looks around

Woman: "If you could, do you mind talking to your father for me and-"

Yan looks at Li "what are you looking for?"

Li shakes her head then looks at the ground

Yan: "well if you say so" she looks at the woman

The woman laughs nervously "nice to see you Ms.Yan"

Yan: "...Like wise"

The woman walks away

Yan: "It's always someone from the lesser sides of the family trying to kiss up"

Feng: "Don't be like that Yan" he comes from behind Yan and puts his hand on her left shoulder "you shouldn't do that to the lesser members, they are still family, even if they are a bunch of kiss asses"

Yan: "Aren't you one to talk?"

People standing outside of the Xu's estate with a man with a clipboard in his hand looking at the large line of people

Man: "Name?"

Woman: "Ah-"

The sound of a car comes from the street

The people in line turn around as they see a white car coming down the street then it stops on the side of the street

People: "Who is that, I thought all of the Xu family were here already, maybe they were running late"

The door of the car opens and Akemi steps out of the car

Akemi looks at the Xu's Estate "I honestly did not want to return to this shit hole" he notices the line of people "why are there so many people here?" He walks past the people in line and towards the man with the clipboard

People: "he's handsome!, was there ever someone like that before, I would have recalled his face, I'm going to ask for his number when I get inside, me too"

The man: "Name?"

Akemi opens his mouth

Inside The Xu's Estate

Yan: "Where is father?"

Feng: "The old man? He's over there surrounded by those business people"

Yan: "Ugh, I rather not get between that stuff"

Feng: "Is that idiot Lian not here yet?"

Yan: "No, he probably decided not to come"

Feng: "That's a shame"

Voice: "What the hell are you doing here!?"

Feng looks toward the gate of the state "who is yelling like that?"

Yan: "Probably one of the members causing a ruckus over something"


Li's eyes widen and she runs toward the gate

Yan: "Li where are you running off to!?" She runs after Li

Feng: "these girls, honestly" he walks after them

Akemi standing still and scratching his ear "can you be any louder?"

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