Chapter25: Class Examination Pt.1

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The students looks around at the people cheering from the seats

Kana looks from one of the seats and stares at Akemi "...It's that guy" she remembers Akemi's face from two months ago "Akemi wasn't it?"

Mio looks up at Kana "Hm?"

Student 1: "This examination thing is bigger than I expected"

Student 2: "I know right? I thought it was a private thing"

Student 3: "Hey isn't that"

Student 1: "No way! Haru Kanai"

Student 4: "Looks behind him, it's Ken Kanai" 

Student 5: "Oh my god, they look so good!"

Student 1: "Their younger sister Fumiko Kanai is here as well, she is so beautiful"

Student 2: "I think I'm going to pass out"

Student 5: "I want their autograph"

Student 3: "Yeah, just in two months they raised from C rank to B, they're really strong"

Akemi looks slightly behind him 

Akemi's Thoughts: "Are they really that popular?" 

Fumiko looks around then sees Akemi and smiles

Students: "She's looking this way, oh my god, be calm be calm"

Haru walking with his eyes closes "Remember Fumi don't go running off anywhere even if you see him, we must act wi-" he opens his eyes and notices Fumiko gone

Haru walking with his eyes closes "Remember Fumi don't go running off anywhere even if you see him, we must act wi-" he opens his eyes and notices Fumiko gone

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                                                                      (Closest I can find)

Haru: "Huh?" he looks to his left and sees Fumiko running


Akemi: "Hm?"

Fumiko jumps into the air and hugs Akemi, wrapping her arms around his neck

The student eyes widen as they give off a shocked look "WHHHAAATTTT"

Haru and Ken walks to Akemi

Haru sighs "I knew this would happen"

Fumiko rubs her cheek against Akemi's

Fumiko rubs her cheek against Akemi's

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