Chapter 34: Akemi's New Side

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Akemi stares at the wolves as his undead fight

Kana: "W-what is going on?"

Fumiko walks next to Kana while looking at Akemi "that's Akemi's ability" she looks at Kana "you'll get used to seeing his summons"

Kana: "his summons? Does that mean he's a mage?"

Kana's Thoughts: "Wait wait, there is no way a mage can have the combat capabilities that he has...wait you might be a..."

Akemi looks at the forest as the wolves keep coming out "how many troops do they have, or are they spawning from somewhere?" he turns around and looks at Kana "Kana, can you move yet?"

Kana looks down and opens her left hand then closes it "A little" she raises her hand

Akemi: "Hmm" he looks to the left and a window opens then he swipes down through the list

Kana looks at Akemi confused

Haru: "just give him a minute"

Kana: "What is he doing?"

Haru shrugs:"we never know, but when he does he always does something surprising"

Kana looks at Haru "huh?"

Window: "Lesser Anti-Paralysis Elixir purchased ¥70,000"

Akemi walks to Kana and crouches "here" he shows her a blue glass bottle with a clear liquid inside

Kana: "What is that?"

Akemi: "just drink it, it'll make you feel better"

Kana grabs the elixir from Akemi then looks at it

Akemi: "Don't waste it, it was expensive"

Kana drinks the elixir then a small light appears around her body "whoa" she looks around then gets up slowly "I can move"

Ken: "what was that you gave her?"

Akemi stands up a lesser anti-paralysis elixir"

Haru closes his eyes "I see, it was just a lesser elixir" his eyes pop open and he gets close to Akemi "a lesser anti-paralysis elixir!"

Akemi leans back "yeah, is there a problem?"

Haru: "DO you know how expensive that item is?"

Akemi: "it's fine"

Haru: "Fine!?" he sighs

Akemi takes a step "ok, let's go"

Fumiko: "Go? Go where?"

Akemi points to the forest with his left thumb "there"

Ken: "why are we going there?"

Akemi: "because the monsters keep spawning from the forest so shouldn't we cut off the source"

Kana: "I'm ready to get my revenge on damn these wolves" she punches her left palm with her right hand

Akemi: "You bounced back fast" he looks at the undead fighting "I will leave them here as a distraction" he looks to his left "no monsters are spawning from there so we'll go into the forest from that way" he walks towards the forest with everyone following him



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