05: so... you're dead?

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Juna sat on the couch table of NCT Dream's living room and stared at Zhong Chenle, that was sitting opposite of her—on the couch. He had folded his hands under his chin and looked at the milky, translucent girl in front of him. He nodded two times and turned to his band members, that were standing behind the couch.

"Yes, I can definitely see her," Chenle spoke and Jisung took a deep breath. "We already feared you won't believe us and make fun of us..." - "Jisung thought that", Renjun corrected. "Apparently the cemetery where Juna was buried all these years ago was on this exact spot where our house is standing. It got demolished." The oldest Chinese lad said and Chenle nodded.

"It's been a few days since we started seeing Juna-sshi", Jeno added and tilted his head. "Ever since then, we've been trying to find out why we're seeing her." The boys were discussing and the teenage ghost looked at Chenle and started giggling.

The boys turned to her. She was floating a few inches over the coffee table now and was hiding her mouth behind her hands. Jaemin chuckled. She seemed like a normal teenage girl—plus the fact she was a ghost. 

The charming Leo had started adjusting to living with the ghost in their house. Even though he still freaked out when she appeared like thin air—especially when she appeared in the bathroom. 

Thankfully Kim Juna was respectful enough to cover her eyes and float out of the bathroom when Jaemin or any of the other guys was in there.

It was okay being with the ghost. Jaemin liked her... even if he wouldn't admit it immediately. 

Juna was still giggling. She pointed her finger at Chenle. "You look like a cute little teddy bear!" She floated over to the Chinese boy and poked his nose. "Cute little button nose", her voice echoed and Jisung held his ears. "Oh no, not again!"

"Hm?" Chenle asked and watched his best friend cover his ears and turn away from Juna. Confusion was splattered all over Chenle when he looked at Jisung. Renjun chuckled and poked Chenle's shoulder. "Jisung hates it when she shifts." The older male explained and Chenle looked at him. "Shift?"

He slowly turned to Juna, who was flickering—almost glitching. Her translucent self turned green and her form shifted from the cute dressed girl to a girl covered in bloodstains and ruined clothes. Chenle widened his eyes, as Juna's deathless eyes turned to him. Blood was dripping down from her forehead, but never met the floor.

Juna looked scary. 

"Holy shit... you're scary!" Chenle stared at the teenage ghost who sighed, her voice sounding like a distant echo. "So... you're really dead?" Chenle asked and earned a slap from Jeno. "Chenle! You can't just ask people if they're dead!"

Juna looked at the teenager in front of her and a sad pain went through her body. Her little brother Junsu must've been twenty-four years old by now. Yesterday she had tried to visit them, but her old house was sold and Juna didn't know where her family was.

She felt her form flicker and felt herself sit back down on the coffee table. A sigh left her mouth and the boys looked at her. The NCT Dream member reminded her of her brother and that made her ... sad.

"I think I'm leaving for now", she whispered and disappeared into thin air. Chenle stared at the spot where Juna had been sitting now and blinked his eyes. "Wow", he whispered.

"You really share a house with a ghost." - "We're trying to bring her back to the afterlife. She shouldn't stay on the earth any longer. She deserves to rest." Jaemin said and Chenle nodded. 

"My mum read a lot of books about spiritual elements and she has a Jade bracelet... Maybe that can help?" Chenle asked and the boys nodded. "We can try. Jade has immense spiritual powers after all." Renjun rubbed his chin and nodded. "That's a great idea, Chenle!"

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