10: my powers

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Jaemin's body was on standby. His usually sparkly eyes were dull—as if all life has lost them. His lips were pale and his heart was beating slower. His pulse was slow and his breathing calmed down as well.

Jaemin's mind on the other hand was working at full speed. He was somewhere in the back of his mind, holding Juna's hands. He could feel her heartbeat (or was it his own?) and he could smell her.

He didn't knew what was currently happening. But Juna was alive and real and he could feel her, hold her—touch her.

"It's one of my ghostly powers" Juna said and Jaemin could look in her eyes and read them. He saw how her sparkly brown eyes looked around. "I can stay in someone's body for approximately ten to fifteen minutes." Juna's cheeks turned red. "I only ever did it once, back in '98."

"Why do you feel so real?" Jaemin asked. It was a feeling the pretty singer could get used to. "Because I'm in your body. In your mind. You make me feel real." Juna said and Jaemin gulped.

"So what can you do, once you've taken over ones body?" - "I can control you, basically." Jaemin's laugh sounded hollow. Juna looked at him and gently took Jaemin's hands off her.

"I'm twenty-one years older than you, Jaemin. You shouldn't hold me like this—" - "Technically you're older. But you're forever nineteen years old, which makes you younger than me." Jaemin smirked and Juna shook her head and slowly let go of Jaemin's body.

The singer felt regaining consciousness and control over his body. And once he blinked he was staring into the mirror. Into his own face.

He turned around to see where Juna was, but the ghost had disappeared. Jaemin shook his head and sighed. It was no use. Someone like Kim Juna would never even look at him twice. He could be her son. Why would she look at him romantically, when she's literally a ghost.

Jaemin splashed cold water into his face and sighed deeply. He had to get rid of this crush as fast as possible.

— 👻 —

Juna was gone for a few days. The Dreamies tried to find her, but the female ghost was gone. Renjun sat down on the couch, sighing. "Maybe she found a way back into the afterlife", the Chinese lad spoke and Jisung nodded.

"It'd be only fair for her. She needs to rest so she can be born again." The Maknae spoke but Jaemin felt bad. Was it his fault, that Juna was gone? Did he go to far? He wasn't sure.

"If she comes back though", Renjun started, "I might have a plan to get her into the afterlife after all. I found out where her little brother lives!" He grinned and Jisung and Jeno cheered him on.

Jaemin was sitting in his chair, frowning. He didn't want Juna to disappear. He wanted her to stay with them—with him.


A/N: Hello my spooky friends and fellow fans of ghosts and supernatural beings! I normally don't do things like this, but it would mean so much to me, if y'all would head over to my profile and take a look at my newest Haechan fanfic. It literally bears my soul and is a heart-project of mine. And I'm being honest. In all my nine years of being on Wattpad I never, ever promoted any of my books like that, but „Defying Gravity" means so so much to me, so it would make me really happy if y'all could just take a look at it. And maybe you'll like it and stick around. And if not than there's nothing I can do about it, haha.
Anyways, thank you for all your endless support on special friend and look out for October 31... maybe I'll drop a spoopy surprise on here.
Thank you for your infinite support and the likes and comments you always leave and we'll see us at the next update.
— Inês, 2021.10.21

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