03: kim juna?

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The boys were still staring at the puddle of Yakult on the floor, while the strange girl was trying to wipe it—making the mess bigger than it originally was. "Excuse me?" Huang Renjun started, his voice shaking. The girl looked up. "Who are you?" The Chinese lad continued and locked eyes with the brunette, translucent girl in front of him.

She furrowed her brows and stood up. Her eyes were dark and seemed endless and Renjun wanted to look away, but he forced himself to still look at her. She licked her lips. "Y-You can see me?" She asked, which made Jisung scream for the nth time today.

The girl quickly glanced at him. He was close to faint, this situation was stressing him. "What do you mean?" Jaemin asked and looked at the girl. Her fashion sense seemed too old school (unless they were her aesthetic) and the way she spoke was weird too.

"I asked if y'all can see me?" She asked again, her whole formin flickering like a broken lightbulb. Jisung held tightly onto Jeno that stared quietly at the scene in front of him.

Renjun tilted his head. The girl flickered again. Everytime she flickered, Renjun could see bloodstains all over her clothes and blood dripping down her arms and forehead. He clicked his tongue. "You're a ghost..." He stated and the girl looked over to him and gulped.

"I never met anyone that could see me!" She exclaimed and moved towards the boys. Jisung squeaked and hid behind Jeno, but the girl ignored him. "I was asleep for such a long time but a few days ago I woke up from my slumber and appeared in your bathroom." She giggled at the thought. 

"You were in our bathroom!" Jisung was frantically throwing his arms around. "I hid in the water pipes..." the girl confessed. "But I was so hungry so I started looking for the kitchen." She pouted and looked down. 

The boys looked at themselves and didn't know what to say. None of them had experience with supernatural things and even though Renjun knew a lot about Aliens and extraterrestrial things, ghosts were new.

"I'm Na Jaemin, by the way." Jaemin introduced himself to the ghost. "The scaredy-cat is our maknae Park Jisung. This is Lee Jeno and—" - "I'm Huang Renjun, nice to meet you!" Renjun leaned forward to the girl that chuckled.

"Hello, my name is Kim Juna!" She said and smiled. But then her smile fell. "I was Kim Juna" she corrected herself and sighed. "Why don't we sit down in the living room and ... talk about this situation?" Jaemin said and looked at Jisung. "Why don't you clean up the mess to calm down?" Jeno added and followed the ghost and Jaemin into the living room.

Jisung flinched and nodded, before starting to clean the kitchen.

Kim Juna almost flew towards their couch and gently sat down between the throw cushions. Renjun looked at her, with big interest in his eyes and bit his lip. "Why did you appear in our dorm?" Jeno asked, after sitting down.

Juna looked at him and sighed. "I don't know. One second I was sleeping in my grave, almost on my way to the afterlife and the second I reached my goal, a force dragged me towards the earth again... And boom I was in your bathroom." The ghost-girl said.

"There has to be a reason..." Jaemin said. "Were you excited about your afterlife?" Jaemin asked and Juna nodded. "Yes... I had enough of floating around on earth... All my friends are adults now and they have their own families and problems... and here I am, still nineteen years and thrown away from the entrance of my afterlife." A ghostly sigh echoed throughout their flat and Jisung, who just entered the living room shivered. That girl looked scary.

"Okay, listen Juna-sshi!" Renjun said. "We're trying to find out HOW you ended up in our dorm and what we can do to get you back into the afterlife you deserve, okay?" He asked and Juna nodded. "Until then you have to hang out with us I guess..." - "Are y'all university students? I LOVE to go to school!"

Jeno chuckled quietly. "We're not your typical young adults, Juna-sshi..." he said and Juna cocked one of her eyebrows. "What does it mean?" - "We're ... Idols." Jaemin said and Juno looked at him.

"Idols as in... IDOLS?! Like S.E.S?!"

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