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It's now 19 years later.

Nix is now 19, her hair stayed blonde with her blue eyes. We were surprised but we assume my genes over powered the red hair. She is now dating Oliver Woods son, Tristan Wood. His proposing next month.

We had a song two years after Nix, Atlas Max, his 17. He has green eyes and red hair. He is just like his father. He wants to be a curse breaker when his finished with Hogwarts and even though I am worried about it, I accept it. His a gentleman and his very strong.

We had twins then and my god, their fraternal. A boy and girl. Orion Ned and Ophelia Rose Weasley. Orion has black hair and blue eyes. Black hair, I have a feeling came from my mother. Ophelia has red hair and grey eyes.  Their 15.  Orion is a prankster which comes in handy with our last son. Ophelia is quiet, reserved and very mature.

Finally our surprise baby boy, Zachary Will Weasley. His 12. He has red hair and blue eyes. His like Fred and George. Always pranking us with Orion. He has a crush on Neville's and Hannah's daughter, Louisa. Me and Bill have a bet on when he will ask her on a date, I say when his 15 and Bill says when his 13. 

Right now, their all at Hogwarts and we're either working or relaxing on the beach. Bill works at Gringotts and I actually work at Fred and George's shop. I love it and I get free stuff which my pranksters of sons love.

Draco and Hermione got married and had three kids, two girls and one boy. Scorpius was born first and his so like Draco, blonde hair, blue eyes. Rose is just like Hermione, just with bright blue eyes. She has brown hair. Isabella has brown hair and dark brown eyes. Their the sweetest kids, very polite but Bella does love a prank. She's the same age as Zachary. Scorpius is 11 and Rose is 10. 

Harry and Ginny had three kids, James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna. James is 12, Albus is 11 and Lily is 9. Albus is friends with Scorpius as is James but James is good friends with Zachary and Orion. Them three prank the daylights out of Hogwarts. 

We're all very happy and no no nosed freak in sight.

We are the Weasley family!

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS BOOK! I am sad that it's over. 

I will not be doing a sequel, I can't see any reason why!

I hope you enjoyed this though!

Lorna xx

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