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It's finally Saturday, which means I get a day off. I go have a quick shower and then step out to dry myself. I put on leather jeans and a jumper with strands hanging out. I slide on boots. I go blow dry my hair and brush it. I do two space buns and leave the rest down. I do natural make up. I go down for breakfast. Dumbledore is digging into a scone. 

I sit down and pick up some toast. I put butter on it and jam. I take a bite and spot Draco laughing. "Morning Hagrid" I said. "Morning Delilah" said Hagrid. I smile at him. "You doing good today?" I ask. "Yeah, really excited for this year" said Hagrid, smiling. Once everyone's finished, we all leave. I go to my room to grab my bag. I grab a jacket and go to Hogsmeade. I walk down and go into Zonko's. Fred and George are there. I should tell them off but who am I to stop fellow pranksters? I buy some products when I hear my name. I look up to see Fred and George walking over. "Well, well your a fellow prankster" said Fred. "Yeah but don't tell anyone, OK?" I said. They nod. I go to Honeydukes for some sweets. I then head to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer.

I spot Draco walk in with his group of idiots. I stand up and go to another shop. I go inside and spot Hermione with Harry and Ron. Hermione must love this shop. I love bookshops. I buy some books and then head out. I decide to pop into this café to have some lunch. I smile and then head back to Hogwarts. I go inside and spot Dumbledore talking to Mr. Crouch. I walk past and go to my room. I put my books away. I sit down and take my shoes off. I hear a knock on my door. I go down and spot Dumbledore. "Sorry to bother you but we need someone to help Bill Weasley to find his room" said Dumbledore. "Of course, sir" I said. I put my shoes back on and go out. There he is standing there. "Bill" I said. "Delilah" said Bill. He takes his bags and I show him to his room which is beside mine. I smile. "I hope you enjoy your stay" I said. "Yeah, I've missed this place. The tournament is coming here, Triwizard" said Bill. "Oh yeah, I heard rumor's, it's actually happening" I said. "Well let's hope people enjoy it" said Bill. I smile and nod. "Same here" I said, smiling. He smiles back and I head back to my room. 

I sit on my bed and lie down. I play with a game I got and look at my watch. I hear a knock and I sit up. "Come in" I said, Bill pops his head in. "Hey.... um can I hang here?" asked Bill. I nod. "Yeah, OK" I said, smiling. "Nice, thanks." said Bill. I sit up and he sits on a chair. I smile at him. "You ready for this?" I ask. "Yeah, mum wanted me to stay at home but I want to be at the action" said Bill. "Is Charlie gonna here?" I ask. "Yeah. His helping with one of the tasks" said Bill. "Dragons, then" I said. He nods. "Yeah" said Bill. I smile. Eventually it's time for dinner and we decide to eat together here. I enjoy eating some and then Bill heads back to write a letter to his mum.

I sit back and read a book. I put my pyjama's on and slide under my covers. I place a book mark where I finished. I slide under the covers and fall asleep.

Bill is hot, he got hotter than school. Anyway no time for love. I haven't had my first kiss or date. I did have a crush on him but I think it's coming back.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Lorna xx

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