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It's the first challenge today, no classes and I have to get read. I put on a top and slide this thing over it. I put shorts on under it and knee high boots with a hole for toes. I brush my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I do light make up. I spot Bill walking in and he smiles at me. "You look beautiful" said Bill. "Thank you. I am gonna put my cloak over it since it's gonna be cold" I said. We go down for breakfast and the breakfast was really nice.

I spot Harry looking worried. I sigh. I glance at Mad eye Moody and well, he looks happy. I sigh and stand up. I go outside and sit on a wall. Mad-Eye Moody for some weird reason is sending the wrong kind of chills up my spine. Bill comes out and sits beside me. "What's wrong?" asked Bill. "Mad-Eye sends the wrong kind of chills up my spine" I said. "His very intense, maybe that's why" said Bill. I shrug and take his hand. "I just.... it doesn't feel right. Someone put Harry's name in it hoping he'd get picked. Then hopes he dies" I said. "Oh right, but we'll investigate" said Bill. I smile and kiss his cheek.

We go back inside and everyone is getting ready. "What if Mad-Eye isn't the real Mad-Eye?" I ask. Bill frowns. "Oh." said Bill. "His house... where the bins went wild. What if someone broke in and knocked him out and then takes the polyjuice potion? I mean it's far fetched but he could have bought him here to keep up the appearances" I said. "That is true. Don't go anywhere with him, OK? His dangerous. I will ask Mr Crouch" said Bill. "No. What if we are wrong?" I ask. "Oh no. OK we will be fine" said Bill. I nod and he hugs me. I kiss him. "We will stop him" said Bill. I nod and we head to the pitch. I stand beside him. "I have to sit with the teachers" I said, looking over at Moody. "Nah, sit with me" said Bill. I nod and we sit down. It soon starts, Cedric, Fleur and Viktor did good but it's Harry I am worried about. I sit forward and cross my fingers. I don't want him to get hurt. 

Bill grabs my hand and holds them under his cloak. I smile at him and he smiles back. I didn'y have to be worried since Harry did great. Me and Bill walk down and congratulate him. Harry goes to Madam Promfery. I smile and we go inside for dinner. We head back to my room and we just relax. I smile at him. He goes to his room and I go to my bed. I change and fall asleep.

Today was good but who is Mad-Eye?

I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's short but I hope ya enjoy!

Lorna xx

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