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It's the day they announce the champions. I sigh and go find an outfit. I look for an outfit, so I put on a matching suit, a skirt, a blouse and an oversized suit jacket. I put on knee high boots. I tie my hair back and do light make up. I go down for breakfast. I sit down and take up some toast. I smile at my fingers when Bill glances at me. I smile at him and he smiles back. I spot Draco glaring at me again. What is up with him? I stand up and go over to him. "Come with me" I said. Draco follows me out and I sigh. We stand in a hidden corner and he glares at me. "What Delilah?" asked Draco.

"What is up with you?" I ask. "You. Being friendly to Granger" said Draco. "I cannot hate anyone. Just shut up and stop being childish." I said. I turn and walk away. I go back to my seat. I lean forward and rub my neck. I wish it was easier with Draco. I stand up and walk out. I head to my classroom. I clean up and then I sit at my desk. I then write out the plan and then leave the tests on the table. I sit back down and wait. They walk in and sit. "OK, the test is today. It is for the whole class. Begin" I said. I sit back down after setting the timer. I begin to read a book. I look up and everyone is doing it. I smile. I read a couple of chapters and then when it's time to finish, the timer goes off. I smile and collect them. "Well enjoy the rest of the day." I said. I sigh and go mark the tests. Most people passed but Hermione got 100%. I put them in a folder and lock them in a cupboard. I smile and sit back down. I hear a knock and Bill walks in. "Hey thought I'd drop by" said Bill. "Hi Bill" I said. 

"How was everything?" asked Bill. "Fine, they had a test" I said. "Oh, I bet they were unhappy about it" said Bill. "Hermione loved it" I said, smiling. "I could tell she would, she loves that even if she stresses. Ron told me" said Bill. "Both of them like each other but obviously neither know" I said. "Hopefully they don't do what we did" said Bill. I nod and walk over to him. I place my hands on arms. "Yeah, well sometimes love works in strange ways" I said, smiling. He kisses my forehead. "I agree" said Bill. I hug him. "Maybe they will get there quicker then us" I said. "Hope so" said Bill. I smile and kiss his cheek. 

I stepped away. "You should maybe go or stay in office while I teach a class" I said. He nods and goes to my office. "Enjoy" said Bill. I smile and the students walk in. I teach them the syllables. Once it's over, we go to lunch. I smile at my hands when Bill walks over. I smile at him and we go to the Great Hall. 

Eventually the rest of classes are cancelled and it's time for the announcement. I sigh and lean back. 

"Fleur Delacour" said Dumbledore. The Beauxbation girls yell the loudest.

"Viktor Krum" said Dumbledore. The guys from the Drumstrang school yell the loudest. 

"Cedric Diggory" said Dumbledore. We cheered the loudest.

Then a name comes out. 

"Harry Potter" said Dumbledore. Everyone looks around, gasping. I look towards Bill. "Shit" I whispered. Harry walks up. They go to another room. Bill walks over to me. "Bill.... someone put his name in there" I said. "How do you know?" asked Bill. "He looked shocked, plus Harry I don't think would join that" I said. Bill nods and glances at the door. "We'll see when they come back out" said Bill. I nod and sit down. They come back in and announce it is fine and Harry will be a champion. He announces it's over and we have dinner then head back to the dorms. 

I go inside my room and Bill joins me. I lean against the wall. "I am so tired" I said. "Same here, I'll let you sleep" said Bill. "OK, see you tomorrow? Meet me for breakfast?" I ask. He nods and kisses my forehead. He leaves and I put on my pyjama's. I slide under my covers and eventually fall asleep.

Today is scary, Harry's a champion.

So Harry is the champion as well!

It's getting interesting.

Lorna xx

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