Chapter 16: He Knows.

Start from the beginning

"I've changed my mind. Instead of undergoing training, you both will be sent right back out on an assignment tomorrow."

Wait, what?

Blue kept a calm expression, but inside, her confusion went rampant, and she didn't know how to respond.

Thankfully, Green picked up the slack. "Sounds good to me."

... WHAT??

She wanted to slap Green. I'm not ready to KILL PEOPLE- oh, wait-

He doesn't know that.


"Where are we going?"

"You're going to the Mira HQ, and you'll have a week to kill everyone."

Green grinned. "We won't let you down, Commander."

They both turned to leave the office, but before Blue left, she could have sworn that she heard Maelstrom mutter under his breath:

"You already have."

Before Blue could look behind her or clarify what she heard, the office door closed behind her.

Her blood ran cold with fear, and she would have been frozen in place if Green wasn't there to pull her along.

He knows.



They were on the new spaceship, and they were taking off.

Red held his son close to him, and he turned to see Black next to him, who was holding Talon.

Once they were out of Earth's orbit and heading to Polus, Red stood up from his seat, observing everyone else.

Not including Black, Pink, Purple, or himself, there were eight other astronauts - twelve in total.

Everyone else was gathering around the center cafeteria table, and he followed suit.

He prepared himself to do the opening announcements, but then he remembered:

Wait. I'm not in charge anymore.

D**n those f**king medications.

The person in charge announced herself - she was of quite small stature, but her aura of authority was strong.

... Do I seriously have to answer to this person now?

Her suit was some sort of deep brownish-red color.

"My name is Maroon," she started. As she started cycling through the announcements and rules, Red tuned her out to observe anyone else.

He had the announcements memorized anyway, so he proceeded to memorize the names - everyone had nametags, which was a new addition.

Peach. Lavender. White. Lime.

Lime vaguely reminded him of Green, despite him being a much lighter color. The vague resemblance made him shudder a bit, but he masked it well.

Smalt. Silver. And Indigo.

Indigo looked similar to Purple, but it would not be hard to tell them apart, because Indigo was definitely a darker shade.

Oh, along with the minor detail that they were opposite genders.

When Maroon dismissed the meeting, Red looked for the others.

Pink and Purple had gone off somewhere, to his dismay.

However, Black's silent yet comforting presence was there.

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