Season 1 Chapter 16

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"Come on in" -Sir. Tom

"..." -Rose

"That's Nathan!" -Clare

"He's the new transfer?" -Sofy

"Wait it doesn't all make sense why is he transferred at a time like this?" -Clare

"Right? And there's also noway that the school had made an error"

"I don't think it's an error" -Rose

"What do you mean?" -Clare

"I also don't know what I'm saying but I think we need to be more careful from now on" -Rose

"Why?" -Clare

"Introduce yourself please"
-Sir. Tom

"Hi I'm Nathan" -Nathan

"Is that all?" -Sir. Tom

"*nod*" -Nathan

"Well you can take your seat"
-Sir. Tom

"Is this seat taken?" -Nathan

"It's still not taken" -Audrey

(Audrey's POV)

"Hey violet(Audrey) do you know him?" -James

"I don't know him, and don't call me that name!" -Audrey

"It's not like It's the first time I called you that" -James

"*whisper* hey look a guy is beside me okay so don't ruin my image dude" -Audrey

"But I'm a guy too" -James

"Uhm excuse me, can I borrow a book?" -Nathan

"Oh! sure here" -Audrey

"What the?... Even I your bestfriend had never been able to borrow your book!" -James

"Oh Shut Up" -Audrey

"Sorry about him we've been close since we're 4 years old" -Audrey

"I'm just speechless" -James

-Lunch Time-

"At last lunch" -James

"Is lunch all in your head?"

"Well food is life" -James

"No wonder you're fat" -Audrey

"I'm not! I have six pack abs ya know wanna see?" -James

"Nah I don't wanna see your fats"

"You're Audrey right?" -Nathan

"Huh?" -Audrey

"Oh Nathan!" -Audrey

"Yeah this is your book... Thanks for letting me borrow it" -Nathan

"No problem.. Anytime" -Audrey

"Thank you again, I gotta go"

"See? He likes me" -Audrey

"What?! He likes you? He just returned to you your book" -James

"Tsk... Everyone knows I'm beautiful" -Audrey

"Come on let's eat already and stop putting on your makeup you'll look like a clown" -James

"Fine!" -Audrey

-After the class-

"You better watch where you're going before you..." -Audrey

"Ouchh!!" -James

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