Season 1 Chapter 6

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(After the conversations with Olivia we became close)

"Rose! Clare!" -Olivia

"Huh? Oh Olivia Hi!" -Rose

"Hi" -Clare

"Do you wanna visit our classroom?"

"You mean the CA classroom?" -Rose

"Yeah" -Olivia

"Can we go right now?" -Rose

"Right now?" -Clare

"Sure, follow me" -Olivia

"Okay" -Clare

(On their way to the classroom)

"Rose, I know you're excited but you're face is so red" -Clare

"I just can't wait to see their classroom and classmates" -Rose

"I know.. It's written all over your face" -Clare

"Here we are" -Olivia

"Olivia how many students are you in this class?" -Clare

"30, why?" -Olivia

"30!? Are you serious? Is that even possible?" -Clare

"Why? How big is your room?" -Olivia

"2x bigger" -Rose

"And we only have 6 students" -Clare

"Wow! Are they the chosen students?" -CA student

"Yup!" -Olivia

"It's the first time that a chosen student came here" -Luke

"●_●" -Rose

"●_●" -Clare

(Rose and Clare looked at each other)

-Clare and Rose's mindset-
*He can speak?*

"Olivia what's with their sudden visit?" -Luke

"Wait, isn't Olivia your older sister? Don't you have any respect?" -Rose

"Rose! It's okay I'm used to it" -Olivia

"What do you mean USED TO IT?"

"Rose stop! Let's go" -Clare

"Sorry " -Clare

"Huh! (๑و•̀ω•́)و" -Rose

"Rose Let's go, sorry Olivia" -Clare

"He's very... HE'S AN IDIOT!!!" -Rose

"Why're you so mad at him? You almost caused a ruckus there" -Clare

"I just don't like him ever since we met him" -Rose


"I'm sorry class but the midterm exam has been delayed, It'll be 2nd week next month" -Mr. Tom

*Internal Screaming*

"Yes!" -Rose

"What do you mean yes? We've been reading all our reviewer all the time and then It's delayed?" -Clare

"Come on Clare, let's celebrate right Sofy?" -Rose

(Rose, Sofy, and Clare enjoyed the whole month)

"La~ La La~ La La~" -Clare

"Wat da hell?" -Rose

"What's wrong with you?" -Sofy

"Something happened, What is it?"

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