Season 1 Chapter 20

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"You're a real monster" -Nathan

"I told you that there's a stairs behind you but you didn't listen, and it's also your fault for running" -Rose

"Who wouldn't run if you're about to get killed?" -Nathan

"He has a point " -Clare

"*Glares at Clare* You shouldn't have run I can just kill you in one go" -Rose

"You're crazy" -Nathan

"It's better than having a broken leg" -Rose

"What happened here?" -Sir. Tom

"Wha-? Sir. Tom? How?" -Rose

"I told Sir. Tom about what happened" -Sofy

"*Why did you tell him?* (Talking through their faces)" - Rose

"*What am I supposed to do? He asked where Nathan is* (Talking through their facial expression)" -Sofy

"*Sigh* who did this?" -Sir. Tom

"(Raised her hand)" -Rose

"Rose? You again? Why are you always the one to get involve in this kind of problems?" -Sir. Tom

"*Whispers* It's his fault..." -Rose

"Forget it but if I saw you getting involve in this kind of problems, You'll be suspended for 1 month" -Sir. Tom

"WHAT? But-" -Rose

"I don't wanna hear an excuses, I'm getting tired of making a report about the three of you getting into trouble especially you Rose.(Walks out of the room )" -Sir. Tom

"*We're gonna go now* (Talking through their facial expression)" -Clare

"*WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU!* (Talking through their facial expression)" -Rose

"..." -Rose

"Pfftt, AHHAHAHAHHAHA" -Nathan

"What are you laughing at You-!" -Rose

"Oohh! Are you gonna punch me? Sir. Tom just walked out I guess I should call him aga-" -Nathan

"(Pinched his skin)" -Rose

"AAAHHH! What did you just do?" -Nathan

"What? I didn't do anything (About to leave)" -Rose

"Where are you going?" -Nathan

"I need to attend class I'm not someone who skips classes like SOMEONE" -Rose

"I can hear you" -Nathan

"That's the reason why I said it loud, such an idiot" -Rose

"By the way are you just gonna leave me here?" -Nathan

"What are you a child? Why are you scared?~(Teasing)" -Rose

"Well it's your fault why I'm here right now" -Nathan


"Chill, just help me go to the classroom" -Nathan

"What? just skip the class" -Rose

"What if they ask me why I skipped class? Should I tell them that you're the reason why I have a broken le-" -Nathan

"FINE! Just shut up" -Rose

"AHH! Why are you so heavy? Tch!" -Rose

(At the Classroom)

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