Season 1 Chapter 1

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There's a school named
UA (Universal academy)

Hi I'm Gabriella Rose you can call me Rose I'm a student in UA, there are actually 5 classes in this school which is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th.
I'm in the 4th class, 4th class student are actually the lowest rank but they started adding the 5th class this year. The students in 4th class are the one that they didn't pay much attention in short dumbest class,

-Now you're wondering why the 4th class is the dumbest? When there's a 5th class?

Actually the 5th class are at the same level as the 3rd class they are not too smart and not too dumb they're only an average but...

-Why are they called 5th class? Or why didn't they just put the 5th class students with the 3rd class?
(about that, I also don't know)


"OH NO! I'm late"
(snicking at the back of Mr. Body Guard/ Mr. Allen)

(But being the unluckiest person today I got CAUGHT)

"Aha, Rose you're late again"

"Mr. Allen, you know that you're like a father to me pls let me off just this once PLEAASSEE"

"Fine! Just this once, if you're late again you might be expelled"

"Okie, Thanks Mr. Allen"

(Now I'm running until my last breath and then I heard this voice)

[The DEMON] ๏_๏

"Okay class I'm gonna check your attendance"

-She's our advisor Ms. Lory but just like others she doesn't pay much attention to us we called her the Demonic Creature.

Bla bla bla?

(she's blabbing while I'm snicking inside, Oh! Clare saw me)

*whispers* "Clare take my bag"

*whispers*"Give it to me"

Bla bla bla?
Bla bla bla?

(Oh sh!t, She's almost done)
Bla bla bla?

(Luckily I'm just in time and sat on my seat next to clare)

Where's Rose?
"Right here Maam"

"Oh! you're not late? Good
Everyone listen, It's your exam next week so read page. 45-92, No one leave this room until the bell rings for this class"

(*sigh* Exams AGAIN)

("When the bell rings", it depends to each class and we can only have lunch in 1:30 that's why I'm sick of being in this class)

"Hey Clare! Let's snick out"

"Hell No! We are not snicking out again"


"We need to study so that we can be the chosen for the exchange students"

"What's so good being chosen as the exchange students?"

"So you haven't heard that the chosen students will be taken to the most famous unversity of all time, the UK (University of Kruptos)

"Krup what? What a weird name for a university, if you want us to be chosen. Then we should have the stamina to read many books that's why we need to eat"

"So you're hungry again? You just ate four plates of Rice and Soup"

"That's not enough for me, Let's just go"

(Walking towards the canteen and then we saw a shocking news...)

(The queue is too Loonnngg!!)

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