Season 1 Chapter 11

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"Sofy what happened? Do you see Rose?" -Noah

"I can't find her anywhere" -Sofy

"Rose, are you okay? Can you hear us?" -Clare
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm going there" -Rose
"Okay be careful" -Clare

(At the Rooftop)
"Are you okay Rose?" -Clare

"Yeah I'm fine" -Rose

"Did the principal caught you?" -Sofy

"No, Everything's fine w-we should go now I already have the file" -Rose

(At the dorm)

"Rose are you really okay? You've been quiet for awhile " -Clare

"Yeah I'm fine, Can you get me my laptop? I'll check the file" -Rose

"Oh Okay, Here ya go" -Clare

"Thanks" -Rose

"Rose don't exhaust yourself too much, even though tomorrow is weekend you'll need sleep" -Sofy

"She's right, we can just check it tomorrow It's already 12:43" -Clare

"It's fine, just go to sleep" -Rose

"Okay then Good Night" -Sofy

"Yeah Good night" -Clare

(8 hours later)

"Oh, look at her falling asleep on her desk" -Sofy

"RISE AND SHINEEE!!!!!" -Clare

"Huh? Oh I fell asleep" -Rose

"What time is it?" -Rose

"8:45" -Clare

"What did you find on the file?" -Sofy

"Call Noah and tell him to meet us at the library" -Rose

"...Okay" -Sofy

"I'll go change" -Rose

(At the Library)

"So, what did you find?" -Noah

"All of the information about the missing students" -Rose

"That's all?" -Clare

"Yeah" -Rose

"Then we make that risk for nothing?" -Sofy

"Yeah" -Rose

"Woah Rose so there's really nothing?" -Sofy

"I'm sorry but that's all we have"

"Guys! I looked on the map and the space that Rose told us looks like another room" -Sofy

"Then we should go again at the office but not just Rose all of us should go insisde" -Noah

"NO! We're not going back there"

"What!? Why?" -Sofy

"You were the one who told us that we'll find the truth even though it's dangerous" -Clare

"What has gotten into you?" -Sofy

"No I'm... Forget it, but no one will go back there NO ONE! I should go now" -Rose

"What's wrong with her?" -Clare

"She even forgot her laptop, Rose! You forgot your laptop!" -Sofy

"She didn't heard you" -Noah

"Let's just bring it to her, Let's go"

(At the canteen)

"I knew you'd be here" -Sofy

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