15| How to Unlove?

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"You can stay here no matter how long you want" I nodded to Miguel.

"Thanks but I need a getaway just for tonight" I might be looking so stupid because I knew I still had to go back. I have nothing, no money for apartment or even emergency savings.

"I can stay with you until you're okay or you can go with me in New York just like what we planned before remember? The conquering New York city with you and me? Me as a brain and you as your skills and when we're combined there are no impossibilities, remember?"

"Yeah—you and me against the world" I paused, remembering it sadly "then I ruined that too, I messed it too" sarcasm laughter spilling from my mouth but mixing with lonely tears and handful regrets of how I end up myself in this situation.

Miguel is too great to offer his place even just for a night but helping me out of my own mess is too much of an embarrassment. Besides, I have work and I shouldn't be affected to my personal life even though it means having to see and work with them everyday.

"I can surpass this Miggy" I said in deflating smile "No more bratty Bella, the girl who takes everything for granted because she's spoiled and spoon fed. Because I promised myself to never go show up to my parents with 'we told you so', no way. I put myself in this position and I will get out from here then prove them all wrong"

- ———
Third Person POV.

"I'm sorry I'm late" Bella hurriedly walking to Drea in messy bun. She tried to wear a makeup but the tiredness in her eyes is imminent. Bella look paler and sleepless with her puffy eyes than before "It has been forever the last time I commuted" she explain further while placing her bag in the table.

Andrea is known to be strict when it comes to time but seeing Bella looking like a complete mess, makes up a space.

She watched Bella rummaging her things out from the tote bag then setting up the laptop "Isabella" Drea calls out.

Bella hummed and continued pressing keyboard keys, "Bella" Drea once again tries to get her attention.

"What?" Bella asking, lacing a slight irritation in her tone.

"Relax and take a deep breath" it's too obvious that she'd cried all night. Andrea noticed her swollen eyes.

Isabella looked around the place, realizing that everyone is busy on their workloads.

"Let's grab coffee first" Drea didn't wait for a response but started to walked, heading to the door with Bella catching up her pace but both halted when Erin and Daphne opened the door.

Bella couldn't even look at them because if she did, the tears will start to flow like a raging angry river but she could feel her heart that's starting to build a pile of pain.

Them kissing repeats inside her head for a million times. That she hardly keeps her eyes closed, because whenever she does? It's like a loophole movie.

"You can start, we're just gonna have breakfast first. Bella, come on" Drea speaking densely.

Daphne look at Erin reaction, she could easily tell that Erin and Bella both cried. Part of her is feeling guilty for what happened yesterday night at the parking lot.

But before leaving, Andrea looked back to Erin in blank expression "It is working hours, I don't like wasting money and time, besides, you haven't give an interesting floor plan, maybe you should focus on that so you could present something worth the money I'm investing to your expertise. I expect it should be done before we come back later"

Andrea muttering Bella name for her to snap out of drifting away. The two resumed walking out from the place while Erin is pinning her gaze to Bella back.

"Thanks. Now, I don't know how could I even repay you for saving me countless times"

"Don't freak out, I really haven't eat breakfast. Besides, I need your full attention to function" Andrea glanced at Bella nodding at her. She cleared her throat before adding "I was busy all day yesterday but I saw your message. How are you?" her voice lacing in concern.

They know each other for a week but part of Drea finds Bella interesting at the same time she has this urge to help her out especially witnessing how she always look pity around Erin and Daphne.

Bella tried to smile but it is obviously fake and for show, apparently it failed, she really couldn't fool herself today after what happened yesterday night.

"I um—I saw them kissing in the parking lot?" she look to Drea, trying to smile it away but tears were lingering in the corner of her eyes "luckily, my best friend Miggy is there, and he is super kind for letting me stay to his house, I'm still gonna go back to our condo and since I don't have anything with me when I walkout" she gesture her hand to what she's wearing "This is Miggy black long sleeves paired with this jeans that I wore yesterday" there she heaved a deep inhaled after explaining herself.

Bella find it weird that she feels safe around Drea given that they just met in a very strange encounter. She felt like, she can trust Drea and say things without worrying if she was being judge. Maybe it's because, whenever she talks, Drea is attentively listening and just watching her pour out her rants.

"But I'm fine don't worry. I can function and assure that I'm still at my best for work. A little worried in commuting part but give it a days and I can get used to it" unfortunately, her car broke down.

It is her first time doing commuting eversince she could remember.

Way back high school, Miguel parents gave him a car and since his drive from house to school is along Bella house, he always picks her at home and that goes around until College even when Bella parents gave her a car, she always opted to be Miguel passenger princess.

Andrea opening the glass door and motioning Bella to get in first "Since you're my head operation, car is a necessity, I don't want you being late. Sooner, branches are going to open and how will you keep on that?"

They walked in line, waiting for their turn.

"Uber?" She responded, unsure.

Drea cock her brows, "and if the app had trouble?" That leave Bella thinking for other way, she's not good at both directions and using public transportation.

Andrea watching her having a hard time to come up with idea, she couldn't take it and offering a suggestion "I can issue a company car"

It was a really good idea in Bella mind but, "always an easy way for me" she stated "I'd like to find my own ways but thank you, really, it's just that. I want to be this version of myself where I can rely more on my capabilities than others"

"Suit yourself" Drea respond in deflating tone.

They ordered breakfast that comes with coffee refill as they both took time doing most of the works in the cafe than watching Bella being constantly distracted by Erin and Daphne. In here, Bella looked more relaxed and calmed while doing paper works and calling few staff, provider and logistics.

"I will finalized everything today and send it to you before midnight" Bella says to Drea while stretching her arms in the air.

Andrea figure it out that Bella is venting on doing lot of workloads to forget and even though she wants her to take a rest and take time doing it, she is also aware that the girl needs her mind to get busy or else she will find herself crying again.

Pressure is what's keeping her sanity.

"I will conduct a google meeting later together with the chef so we can start experimenting food that will complement the store" Bella speaking more, too hooked up to her laptop, foreseeing the store operation.

"Do whatever pleases you"

Risk it AllDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora