21| I fucking hate you Erin

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I know that what I really want is to be with Erin but, also, I'm aware that I shouldn't keep on relying on her. That's why I took Andrea offer and had to leave Erin even my mind and body is protesting.

And right now we're in Andrea's law firm friend office to handle my case.

"Babe!" I stood up and welcomed Audrey in opened arms "Are you alright? Fuck that dirty old man!"

"Hey" Maddy pulling me into a hug with Mike giving a warm smile.

I winced after receiving a hard slap in the shoulder by Audrey pursing her lip "Why didn't you tell us?!"

But before I could respond my attention focuses on Erin and Daphne walking to us behind Audrey shoulder.

"And look who the fuck shows up" Audrey blurting angrily "Wow. You really even had the guts to bring your fling here?"

Maddy calling out Audrey, stopping her in making a scene.

"Audrey, I'm so--"she cut off Erin before she could finish her words.

"No dude. We're no longer friends the moment you hurt Bella" her lip twitching in disgust "and really how didn't you know about Drake harassing your own girlfriend?"

I hold Audrey hand, motioning for her to stop it but Daphne is not helping with the igniting fire as she chimed in "you didn't even know too, given that you're her friend" her word causing my friend to tense up and Maddy stepping forward.

"Because we're busy keeping her sanity intact when you decided to step on someone relationship by opening your legs"

Mike took the initiative, standing between the two "Stop it. None of you are helping Bella" he stated to both of them.

"Isabella" then there's Miguel immediately pulling me into his arms "are you alright?"

I nodded against his chest. Them showing up for support is the only thing I needed right now.

It didn't took long when Drea showed up together with her attorney friend, gesturing us to come inside with my friends supporting me while they sat on the couch.

"I know this is gonna be hard, but I need to know the details" Lia asking in concerning tone, she was the attorney who'll handle my case.

Andrea is giving me a warm gesture by showing a gentle nod like 'it's okay'.

I'm scared and embarrassed but found myself searching for Erin eyes as she was already staring back at me.

"When is the first time this happened?" Lia started, but her question sending me on edge.

Looking down to my fiddling fingers, I took my time until I mustered courage to finally speak up "um....it started when he told me to stay for a while....I was busy editing the photos, he um..." I shut closed my eyes for seconds, for feeling those horrible memories coming back like brand new.

"Take it slow" Andrea voice is like a rope in the middle of the darkness, guiding me back to the light, especially when she held my hand.

"Drdrake sat next to me....and-next things was his hand on my lap"

"And what did you do?" Lia asking.

The tears is starting to form, "I stood up and grabbed my bag and went home" I stated now meeting her gaze as she wrote down the detail.

"And it happens again?"

I nodded to her question, "he always tried, so I'd make sure to finish everything ahead of time and avoid being alone with him or staying late hours....but there's this one time, he cornered me and abruptly grabbed my arms and throwing me to the wall, he was about to punch me in my stomach but I halted him by threatening to call 911. He stopped but eventually laughed, he told me that if I say something about it, he has the power to fire me in just one snap of his finger and I know this sounds stupid but um....I was so scared to lose a job, um...because, I don't wanna be a burden" I said the last words staring down to my hand.

Lia jot down all the details.

Audrey and Maddison rushing to hugged me as I cried for feeling so frightened because for the first time, I found my voice.

Andrea and Lia talked inside the office of what are the actions to be taken while I excused myself to grab some air for feeling like my lungs are closing.

I was standing in front of the soda machine but not wanting to buy anything.

"Isabella" her familiarity and the way she's wrapping her arms around my shivering body was enough to breakdown all my walls and finding myself sulking against her chest "Bee, I'm so sorry, please, you were never a burden, ever" her soothing voice only sends another set of tears from my eyes and feeling her hand stroking gently in my back as she place her chin on top of my head "I love you Isabella. I'm so sorry bee, please let's fix this and I promise you that I will explain everything-I never meant to hurt you, you are more than enough, just you alone is all I wanted and about th-"

"Mary Isabella" there is only one person who calls me by my name and as I parted from Erin embrace then looking behind my shoulder, it is mom staring flatly at me.

The nervous I felt earlier is nothing compared to now having to see mom and dad with their dismay faces.

"Whwhat...." I couldn't come up with the words, let alone ask the question.

"Erin called us" mom said.

Just like that and it didn't failed me to feel that Erin didn't just betrayed me once but twice now.

At first, I was in denial, not believing by shaking my head in disagreement but when I looked back to Erin, she felt sorry for me.

"How can-" I paused, looking so fucking disappointed to her. She bit her lower lip as her tears is starting to fall, "How can you do this to me?"

The least thing I want is my parents knowing how I was a fucking failure. This is not what I imagine facing them again! Not when I'm completely, utterly, broken in pieces. Not when I'm in peak of my life most embarrassing moment. Not when I failed them and mostly not when Erin betrayed me just like what they warned me about, years ago.

"Sorry Bee" she muttered and tried to step forward but immediately pushing her back away from me.

I narrowed sharply, utterly despised at her "I fucking hate you Erin. Stay fucking away from me, I don't wanna see you ever again!"

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