the new REALITY - 2

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new ending? the code shouldnt have been effected anymore.. weird...

after Masaru saved Axel from jealousy, Masaru helped Axel to realize when he becomes jealous again, the training went through Mike and Keito aswell, since then they all went together to bring kids with their twinned female in order to bring more humans, despite that time went on for couple of years, Masaru didnt change whatsoever, while Eve became older and eventually died, Masaru's kids and grandkids were devastated by their mother loss but questioned when Masaru wil die, Masaru was getting close to Eve at that point, but didnt know when he will die, despite living for so long, his kids died and got to see his grand grand kids, Masaru however, had to distance himself at that point, to not seem like he is a godly creature of something, despite not having any powers, his unaging body didnt change whatsoever, so he couldnt even look at his family anymore, especially knowing that eventually the world will be filled with humans that will be not family like anymore, and after 500 years, there were so many humans, all believe in different religion, different beliefs, Masaru didnt know what was the truth, still being alive and well, his young body gave the feeling like he was an imposter, while he was walking around, he saw a sign telling him the world's going to end.

timeline curropted - please exit the game and restart it

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