finding the perfect timeline - 3 - clone

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after a sudden rage of losing an arm by Lucina's creation, i decided to make her go through a hell moment, her favorite game that shes best at is baseball, her and Masaru used to play that game while studying with other people, time to see if Lucina can keep up with my creations

Lucina> for some reason Askar wanted me to play baseball, i would have asked Masaru to join, but he im worried its a punishment for my creation, i had to destroy it as a punishment for its actions, ill make better creations for this game, i will make Askar see i can be a good creator like him

Masaru> i cant shake the feeling that Askar is hiding something behind this game, i want to join Lucina in her team, yet for some reason she keeps refusing, Askar refuses to allow me to join his team aswell, i just wander whats that "game" is all about...

$ its been 6 month since he planned his game with the experiment, the experiment might have took it too seriously, but despite that, her creations are nothing compare to his creations, she made sure her creations have the best stats compare from all the data he collected, yet I dont think he just wants a game, theres something behind this, i will make sure to look from behind in this game

its been done, i chose the best creations of mine for this hell game, i will show Lucina that she cant win and have to be disciplined, for the pitcher i chose Houku, a menacing creator that has dragon like powers, he is one of my first good creations, no doubt he will fail me, as a catcher, i chose Axel, his reflexes are beyond good and his strength is with no doubt his power point, in base far i chose mike, he can get get anywhere in the field from there and its useful since he is a speed demon, and catching was never a struggle for him, left far is Cloe, since she will be useless anyways, and right since is peach, another useless character, in base 1 will be Lakka,she will be able to catch is with no problem, and base 3 will have Carlos, since he is full mercenary, in the other 2 bases will be Hayami and Jigaren, those to will be supporive characters to throw the ball faster,

$ the experiment has made her team with clones of already existing in the multiverse characters,whether fury or human, thats besides the point, she believes in her creations, too bad it will be all discarded eventually...

Masaru> its game time, i cant help but worry for Lucina, Askar isn't the type of just plays for fun after all...

: game start
: first batter is Lucina, and the pitcher is Houku
: Houku throws the ball
: Lucina missed the hit
: Houku throws again
: Lucina almost hit yet by a little too early
: Houku throws once more
: and Lucina hit it for quite good
: mike seems to run and catches the ball in his hand directly
: lucina is out

lucina> i never believed that Askar would play a nice game, yet i may just be a little sloppy since i was worried that Askar will hurt me, no wander tho his creations are beyond what im capable of.. just houku and it will be blows away..

: next up is clone 1
: Houku throws the ball
: the clone hit it perfectly for home run
: mike runs to the edge of the field the ball is directed to
: peach and mike do the special just of team
: mike catches the ball mid air
: clone 1 is out

lucina> i should have known, Askar made it so the game will be like horror! this isnt a normal game, its a Mario baseball type game isnt it? well, luckily my clones can do 1 thing that Askar would never expect!

: next up is clone 2
: Houku throws the ball
: clone 2 hits the ball perfectly
: Mike runs to get a double team jump
: the ball suddenly turns to the middle of the field
: mike rushes to the ball
: the ball goes to home run
: lucina gets 1 point

i never expected Lucina to predict my game, yet this incident will be reported as a punishment later on, this is more of an experiment to of discipline

: next up is clone 3
: Houku throws the ball with momentom
: clone 3 misses the hit a bit too much to the left
: Houku throws the ball again with different momentom
: clone 3 misses the ball again but too by no hit
: Houku throws the ball with increadble speed of 909981323423 mph
: clone 3 was able to hit the ball but just bearly
: mike rushes to the ball and catches it before it gets to base 2
: clone 3 is out

lucina> Askar is playing now dirty! no way i could have hit the ball like that! im surprised my clone was even able to hit it, but what can i do with data of characters who are faster then speed itself

: next up is clone Gorge
: Houku throws the ball with weak throws to the air
: Clone Gorge hit is with incredible strength
: the ball hits peach's body
: clone Gorge is out in a foul

$ i should have expected Askar to play like this, this isnt just a random game, this is a game to show Lucina that she is nothing but a child, and a child needs to be disciplined, that will be a hell game by the time Askar will be a pitcher

: change sides due to 4 out
: first batter is Houku
: pitcher is clone Gorge
: clone gorge throws the ball
: houku hits the ball so high and home run that even the clones team jump fails
: team Askar gets a point

masaru> i should not be the one to judge since its not my game, but Askar plays dirty! theres no way even Lucina's clones will be able to get another point without fooling the ball, yet i cant do anything but wait for the game to end, yet i noticed something, im not the only one who watches...

$ i should expect that Askar's team's inevitable victory, yet i cant say the same for Lucina even with trick shots of the clones, theres no way Askar will surrender that easily tho, same goes for Lucina, its just a matter of time until the mercy rules apply

: next up is Axel
: clone Gorge throws the ball with incredible momentom
: Axel hits the ball and it flies so far so fast its impossible for the naked eye to see
: team Askar gets yet another point

: next is mike
: Clone Gorge is replaced with clone Dorm
: Clone Dorm throws the ball in 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 mph
: mike hits the ball and it flies on the field not to a home run
: the entire clone throws the ball everywhere to get mike out
: the clones are searching for where mike it
: mike shows off he is already in 3rd base and runs to home run
: team Askar gets yet another point

: next is Peach
: clone Dorm hits Peach with the ball
: Peach goes to base 1

: Cloe goes to bat
: Dorm hits her head while trying to trick shot
: Cloe goes to base 1
: Peach goes to base 2

: Hayami is batting next
: Dorm throws the ball and hits hayami inside mouth
: according to the rules it still hit her so she goes to base 1
: Cloe goes to base 2
: Peach goes to base 3

: Carlos goes to bat

lucina> if Carlos will do a point, its not the end, but that is 1 dirty plan!

masaru> i have a feeling Carlos will do a home run, that might be bad!

$ obviusly Askar planned it all out, its just like him

: Dorm throws the ball further away from Carlos to get a ball
: Carlos hits the ball anyway and gets a home run
: team askar gets 4 new points

: mercy rules

i never seem Lucina goes mentally unstable, its funny how dumb she could have been thinking its just a normal game, yet not realize from the start i already won, non of her clones had a chance from the very beginning, but now its time to show her to become disciplined, so she will know how reality can really be!

i plan to make everyone she cares about hate her, so she will have a reason to fight again

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