finding the perfect timeline - X13o - iro

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where am i?

i cant seem to find myself...

am i dead?

no, i would see where i am then...

huh, theres a light there
###> hya, is this the signal? also, why are you here?

... the experiment changed stuff he shouldnt have, causing me to end up here, im curious to what will happen to him, lets allow him to find himself first, this game has just begun

@ Masaru got up, and he noticed the world was different, it wasnt a small town anymore, he was somewhere else, filled with lava and volcano's

masaru> did i travel back in time?

@ Masaru started exploring around, unlike last time, nobody hated him, or atleast tried to attack him...

@ it seemed peaceful at first, but then some explosions were happening

@ curious about the situation, Masaru rushed towards the explosions

@ when he got there, he saw a 12 years old bald kid fighting a mature adult, the kid used air earth fire and water to attack, while the adult used fire and lightning

@ masaru couldnt hold himself, but figure our whats going on, but when he questioned the situation, the adult started attacking him

@ paranoid of his past, Masaru started attacking the adult, using any kinesis he could use

@ the adult tried to attack Masaru, but as all things go to Masaru, it ended up being a war againts him

@ Masaru kept sending blast, and the adult continued to dodge and attack back, the kid ended up going to Masaru and tried to take the powers, however, the kid failed and Masaru killed him with dark matter sword into the stomach

@ the adult thought it was his victory, but Masaru continued to fight,

@even tho the adult thought it was all over since the kid has died, he was more wrong since now he had to deal with Masaru

@ the battle was intense, Masaru shot lightnings, explosions, dark matter, all to end up killing the adult, but the adult kept protecting himself with fire blasts

@ when the adult was about to send a lightning blast, he let his guard down for an attack Masaru took advantage of, making a dark matter throwing knife to the stomack killing him

@ Masaru felt disgrace that people keep judging him being evil, making negative energy surround him

@ after the adult died, Masaru noticed the world was changing, a lot of people started attacking other nations, the lava area fire manipulators started going to a castle village to take control

@ Masaru went there, and noticed that the place was concured by the lava area guys, yet the place didnt seem like the type to have any manipulators in it

@ Masaru rushed to attack the fire manipulators from the area, the people that came to attack put themself in fighting position, but the fire manipulators were also there

@ 10 seconds of silent when suddenly a fire manipulator attack the the fire manipulators army, so Masaru sent ice towards them aswell to show he was on their side,

@ the fire manipulator that attacked the army said to explain to Masaru what was going on, and he will same for them time

@ after Masaru understood what was going on, he demanded that justice will be served, so he started fighting the fire benders army,

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