finding the perfect timeline - 5 - Masaru's creations

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ive combined my soul of creation with Masaru's soul of determination, one of the reasons was for checking the code of reset, ive been meaning to experience it and check it out for a while, but i never been able to get it, as expected, the code is buggy and slow, and it takes a while to be capable of use,something about 30 seconds that might get me killed at that time, the other reason was so i can feel always motivated and determent to get to the goal at hand, i also gave Masaru the data ive downloaded, so i can see how his creation style is, unlike the weak experiment that wont be named anymore, Masaru was more efficient in his creations, and made already 3 creations in a month, all unique to themself, like a card game, where is he would sacrifice any monster that was weak, to summon another one, and the more he would sacrifice, the stronger his next summon will be stronger, i never thought of this, im surprised by what Masaru was capable to accomplish in short time

Masaru stated that his 3 creations are a different types to what my creations, unlike my lightning water ground rock ext type creations, his creations are in the forbidden type, his swordmanship creation is named Felina, she has the power of determination to increase her strength and life by double, and in attack she can blast enemys with 150 damage for the price of 50, that by itself is extraordinary already, but his other more scarier creation, their name is Badra, she cant be attacked by projectiles and has a 50/50 chance in physical attacks, at the same time, she can kill any enemy in 1 hit, but the summoner wont lose any life or energy, thats a create way to protect since people tend to use projectiles more often, but my favorite creation Masaru made so far, was his libitina creation, she has the most abilities and all useful in combat, first one is when she is summoned from sacrifice she will gain the abilities of all the monsters that were used to summoned her, so if felina and badra were sacrificed to summon libitina, libitina will have determination and wont be able to hit by projectiles, the second ability is when she is summoned regularly, that allows her to be immune to stats effects, so she cant be poisoned, or burned, ext, and the last ability, is that libitina is summoned by ressurection, she will gain all the abilitys of all the monsters, magic powers and traps that were used in the battle, but she can only attack once before going back to the dead, extraordinary!

i asked Masaru why he didnt make his creations all powerful and without weakness, his answer? "i dont believe in over power being good, too strong becomes the biggest war, its better to just be unique and have my own sets", he is truly the one i need in my story!

$ im worried for the new experiment, his creations are powerful, might even be too powerful! if he will continue making them, he might end up being in a war! but atleast hes progressing and positive unlike the old experiment

masaru> ive made my own sets, currently 3 monsters, i will focus on them, and make the rest special magic and traps creations, all unique, so when i will fight Askar, i can be confident that i will have the upper hand, i will not fall like her, or like ########

-----4 years later-------

$ the experiment went mad! he created 40 different creations, but only 6 are monsters, the rest are magic abilities and traps! those atleast the ones he will use in battle, he seems to also have his own assistant!

masaru decided to battle my creations, i believe that unlike the last one, he actually has a chance, i accepted his invitation, but only if we could do it in the next timeline, in a proper arena

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