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Sora-san and I went to a small inn. She ordered two apple juices for the both of us. There is no other people except from us.

"U-uhmm... What if someone hears us?" I ask.

"Daijobou (its okay) ...... I'm a mage remember" she replied.

She get her umbrella and place it on the top of us, as if it is raining.

"I, Sora Hikari order thee. In the name of the Hikari bloodline. Conceal our presence!" Her mouth don't talk but I can hear her mind. So this is magic.

After that incantation, a magical sphere envelop the place.

"Okay, let's start! No one can hear us except from the both of us" she said.

"Sugoii!! (Amazing), can you teach me that to?" I ask expecting her to say yes.

"Nope, not for now" she

"N-nande???? (Why)" I ask with frustration.

"You have to learn the basics first before you can learn magic. Magic is not a joke, if you went beyond your limitations...there is a possibility that you'll be consumed by your own power." She explain.

I feel scared on what she said.

"Let's start on who we want you to hide from. His name is Alheim, he created all the demons that exist in this world. He is the greatest villain that you'll need to defeat." She said

"W-why me? I don't even have superhuman abilities like you guys have. And that" I pointed the weird symbol on there wrists. I noticed it earlier when Mr. Itani is explaining.

"This? Hahahahahaha" she laugh so loud.

"Is it funny?" I ask

"No, the truth is even you can have this if you will be able to pass the eternal training ." She said

"What's Eternal Training? Do I have to train in my whole life?" I ask

"That's not it, it is called Eternal training because you have to train in the 4 kingdoms. All of us, heroes went through that. But before you go to the Eternal Training, I will teach you the basics first" she explained

• • •

We went to an open space, it's as large as a olympic golf course.

"For now, I'll teach you the basics. Each person has a manna capacity. You use your manna if you're going to cast a spell. Magic are divided into 7 categories; Destructive magic, Sealing magic, Healing magic, Illusion Magic, Summoning magic, Transform magic, and the last is the Dark Blood magic."

"Sugoii!! Will I be able to learn all of that?" I ask.

"Its all up to you, Destructive magic has four major elements; fire, water, earth, and wind. It's use as a canon that destructs things. Sealing magic, just like the paper in your room. Healing magic, basically it's use to heal wounds and curses. Illusion magic is use to let someone see a temporary image. Summoning magic is use to summon creatures from place to place. Transform magic gives you the power to borrow a creature's apperance, this magic came from the Woofia the kingdom of demi-humans. And the last is the Dark Blood Magic, if you're body is not capable with it.....you'll immediately die." She explains

The dawn comes

"Demons don't show up in broad daylight. Let's wait until the night comes. When a demon shows up, you should say throw this paper into the air and say these words-" she said. She gave a paper with a weird symbol that's a but similar with the paper seal.

"Unleash the stored power of the sun and bring forth a bright light! Enlightment!!. Chant that spell, exactly how I said it. It should be filled with power. You have 10 minutes until the night comes, memorise it or you'll die" she said. Her personality changed in an instant.

Yosh! I must memorise it first.

The sun continues to set and the darkness is consuming the sky.

"Like you said earlier... What if my magic consumes my body?" I ask

"That's why I gave you this paper right, it is similar with the paper seal but these papers are called Sun Imprisonment papers. Every time the morning comes, mages cast a spell to this paper. It absorbs the sunlight and seal it. The sunlight comes out if you cast that spell so you need to throw it into the air to expose the demon into the sun and die" she explains

"I understand, do demons have special abilities too?"

"Not all of them, demons eat humans and by devouring humans they can acquire special abilities too. Specifically those demons are 'the seven shadow of Alheim'. Those demons are the strongest demons aside from Alheim." She said.

The night comes. And a demon also, I don't expect to see one. It looks like a human but it has fangs, and red eyes.

"Wow! a delicious food right after the night comes. How lucky I am" the demon said. I don't expect that demon can speak.

The demon runs towards Sora -san.

I have to use the Sun Imprisonment papers before it eats Sora-----

But before I get the papers Sora-san immediately cut its head using her umbrella. I can feel the sadness of Sora-san after cutting the demons head. She's not happy on what she did. The demon fell down on the floor and started to fade away. I see a stone after the demon's body disappear.

"What's that thing?" I said while pointing out the weird stone.

"Oh! That one is---- there's still a demon there! It's your turn now Yushiro-kun" she said.

"Yosh! It's my turn now!"

The demon continues to get near me.

"Unleash the stored power of the sun and bring forth a bright light! Enlightment!!." After I say those words I throw the paper into the air. The symbol lights up and created a ray of light towards the demon. It shouted as if it is being shower by an acid. It is suffering in pain and agony. I pity them, why do they have to go all through this?. It immediately die and just like the demon earlier, there's a stone left. I get it and compare it with the other one.

"Sora-san, what's this?" I ask

"It is the Spiritual stones, their spirits lies beneath that stone. The truth is demons were once humans"

~• Isekai: Journey in Another world •~

So that's our third chapter! Hope you guys like and enjoy it! I'll be publishing a new story also. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

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